Thursday, November 28, 2019

Your Dying Spouse 703 - Thankful {FMF}

A lot of people may not think it much, but I'm thankful for what I've got.

Either I'm a super-advanced soul, or doing the Cleopatra-Queen-of-De-Nile thing.

Just call me Cleo, but it's fun, rocking the cancer gig.

I'm thankful for the danger
that stalks me every day;
death's a proud cold stranger
but I'm keeping him at bay.
I'm thankful for malignancy
that's tearing me apart,
for it highlights the exigency
of softening my heart.
I'm thankful for the nausea,
and thankful for the pain.
In both I find fair grazia,
and motivation to remain.
The day will come when death betide,
and I'll rise upon a thankful tide.

And, of course, here are The Bangles with Walk Like An Egyptian.

Thanks to Carol Ashby, Blessed Are The Pure Of Heart is back on Kindle, and will be available in paperback soon.

Friends are everything. I couldn't have done it.

Marley, the canine waif from Afghanistan, whom WE helped save, has a Facebook page! Please drop by to see how happy he is today.

Below are my recent releases on Kindle -please excuse their presence in the body of the blog. I haven't the energy to get them up as 'buttons' in the sidebar. You can click on the covers to go to the Amazon links.


  1. I did enjoy that poem Andrew. Well written. Good thoughts.

    1. Annette, thank you so much! I'm glad you liked it.

  2. It's so easy to restrict thankfulness to the good and the obvious in life, isn't it? Because I'm a 'glass half empty' person, I really have to discipline myself to even notice those and be thankful.
    Andrew, you've got me grappling now with the principle of being thankful in or for all circumstances and what that might mean, especially as I'm dealing with having depression again and my son's recent diagnosis of bipolar. I will try to learn from your example, my friend.

    1. ... in the exact same place, Liz. I will pray for you. I find if I pray for others it is easier to fight my own 'stuff'.

      And yes Andrew, your example is EXACTLY what I need. Thankful for you. Truly.

    2. Liz and Jane, it's something I have to be really intentional about, especially on a day like today when Barb's dear friends are packing to move on Tuesday, another senior dog is dying, and I'm in really rough shape.

      I have to count the blessings, sometimes out loud, and inure myself against the attack that says, "Give up, give in, curse God and die."

      And it is a tightrope walk; slipping into the slough of despond, one might not easily regain one's feet.

  3. Andrew, it is so good to remember we have things right here and now for which we can be thankful. It's the thankful tide which fills us with joy even when we are not happy. Praying for you this morning.

    1. Joanne, can be hard to keep those things in mind, for which we can be thank, but so worthwhile!

      Thank you so much for your prayers!

  4. Your gratitude is truly inspiring, Andrew! May it help you to soar each day!

    1. Katha, thank you so much for this. It does take intention to sty grateful, but it's worth the effort.

  5. (((((Andrew)))))

    Gentle hugs from Annie in Texas

  6. Andrew,
    Great poem here and the Bangles great too of course! Hope today you see LIGHT! Thanks for visiting my page and commenting. Jennifer

    1. Jennifer, I'm so glad you enjoyed the poem and are also a fan of The Bangles!

      Thank you so much for being here.

  7. Your poem reminds me of a quote by Charles Spurgeon.

    “I have learned to kiss the waves that throw me up against the Rock of Ages”

    Thank you for sharing your words with all of us. I am praying for You and Barb.

    1. The Spurgeon quote is perfect. Thank you for this, and for your prayers.

  8. Just want to send you a song I hope will encourage your soul. It's "Ancient of Days" by CityAlight.

    With prayers & love for you, Andrew, and Barb too, Kathryn

    1. Kathryn, the song is great! Thank you!

      Love back from both of us, and thank you so much for your prayers.

  9. (((((Andrew)))))
    Today is the fifth anniversary of my brother's Going Home. My heart is tender for you and Barbara today.
    Annie in Texas

    1. Oh, ((((((Annie!))))))

      Our hearts are with you.

  10. it certainly is hard to find things to be grateful for when we're in the midst of crisis, friend.

    but you continue to show us the way. and that makes me grateful.

    1. Linda, thank you so much for this affirmation.

      It's hard today; Barb's dear friends are doing their final packing for their move, and another of our senior dogs is fading.

      But I keep my eyes on the Cross, on the Hope, and on the Love.

  11. I agree with Linda, Andrew. I'm not sure how you do it--stay positive and find things to be thankful for even as you battle in pain. But we are all encouraged to follow your lead, my friend! Thanks for keeping it real and keeping it positive! Hugs and prayers!

    1. Beth, it really does take an intentional efort, every day...and some days, like today, far more than others.

      It can be very, very hard to lift your head, sometimes, and to behold the glory of the night sky in which God's message of hope blinks from the celestial lighthouses. But it's worth it.

      Hugs and prayers are SO appreciated, especially today.

  12. I contracted hpv' i was told there is no hpv cure except treatment to control it, i totally lost of hope all i could think loosing my life because it was so embarrass for been hpv patient. some weeks ago i read possible natural cure which was guarantee And I ordered the treatment after one week i got 100% cure. I'm so excited to shear this testimony to every article for others living with hpv there is possible natural treatment to eliminate the virus email Dr Onokun, his herbal clinic address;
