Thursday, November 7, 2019

Your Dying Spouse 694 - Give Away The Healing {FMF}

It's easy not to resent what's happening to me...I can see the blessings in my life, after all. Can't resent cancer without negating the good things.

But not being upset about what's happening to someone else, that's different.

The other day, I saw a neighbour, a wonderful lady with a first-rate family, out walking.

She has breast cancer, and was a bit tired, so she stopped and we chatted for a bit, about things like learning not to overdo. Hard for both of us.

And how she was not yet in remission.

I could not get the meeting out of my head. I'll gladly settle for less so someone else can get a remission. (And the Five Minute Friday prompt is SETTLE.)

Lord, I don't need your healing
for I do not fear my end,
but if You're up for dealing,
please give it to my friend.
I saw her just the other day,
so small and hurt and brave,
so please, Lord, please find a way,
for it's her You need to save.
Please give her a remission,
please hold her cancer back,
and I'll fulfill mine own mission
of relentless lone attack.
Please, God, restore my friend to health;
take my grace, and I'll find it wealth.

Apropos nothing, here's Laura Branigan, with Gloria.

Thanks to Carol Ashby, Blessed Are The Pure Of Heart is back on Kindle, and will be available in paperback soon.

Friends are everything. I couldn't have done it.

Marley, the canine waif from Afghanistan, whom WE helped save, has a Facebook page! Please drop by to see how happy he is today.

Below are my recent releases on Kindle -please excuse their presence in the body of the blog. I haven't the energy to get them up as 'buttons' in the sidebar. You can click on the covers to go to the Amazon links.


  1. You're such an inspiration for those around you (and us who get to read about it)!

  2. This was so moving, Andrew. Joining you in praying for your friend. Praying for the Lord to bring remission to both of you. Blessings!

    1. Joanne, we thank you so much for your prayers! They're needed.

  3. Your compassion for your friend is beautiful! Praying for her, and for you too!

  4. ((((Andrew))))

    "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends" (John 15:13) The choice is God's, but for you to offer is the highest form of love.

    Annie in Texas

  5. NOW THAT IS GRACE, my friend. One year out from our IRL visit and God has you here ... still. xo

    1. Susan, I'm just so glad to still be here. XOXOXO

  6. With eyes to see others... you're showing us how to live.
    Thanks, Andrew!

  7. Praying for your friend, Andrew.

  8. I'm glad your paths crossed. Your prayer is touchingly real. We should care, and you do care. Now we all care. That's a win win.
    May this weekend see you on the bright side of life.
    Good to read your post.

    1. My dear Norma, I'm glad too. That we all care, definitely a win-win.

      It was kind of a hard weekend; 2/3 of my service dog care team died within twenty hours.

  9. Dear Abba Father,
    I lift up Andrew's friend. Please give both Andrew and his friend healing. Please be with both of them and wrap them in Your love, comfort and peace. Be near both Andrew and his friend and their families. In Jesus name, Amen

    1. Oh and by the way, this is Jolene. I will keep praying for your friend, and for you and Barb.

    2. Jolene, thank you for this lovely prayer...and I love the 'Mom23Rosebuds' name!

  10. You are amazing! So compassionate my friend!

    1. Tara, thank you...I have learned a LOT about being a Christian from Praying on the Prairie, so there's double thanks involved.

  11. An encouragement for each of us. Life is so much more than us. I want to not only stop and chat with my neighbors (and others about me) more but then go home and pray for them! God bless, Andrew!

    1. Jennifer, you are such a blessing for those around you! Thank you for sharing this.

      Blessings back!

  12. I got in late this week again, it's good to see the need in others. So good to do.

    1. Thank you so much, Annette! I'm always glad you're here.

  13. Andrew, God continually gives and it is so evident in you. You bless me continually sir. I am honored to be a friend even if only by ink we can meet. I know your heart is bound to mine nd so many more. Praying for you, and now praying for your friend.

    1. Mary, I am moved to tears by your kind and gracious words.

      And I am so grateful for your friendship, and your prayers.

  14. don't you just love that in the middle of your own stuff, you can reach out and encourage so many others?

    keep going, friend. there are many who need your faithful kindness.

    1. Linda, I'm honoured to be able to do it. And I won't.

      Even on a day such as this, after a weekend with saw the death of most of my service dog team.

  15. Wow! You're such a good example for all of us.

  16. What a sweet and touching meeting you had with that neighbor, Andrew! And what a tribute to your generous and loving spirit that you'd pray that prayer for her! Thank you for continuing to share your life and challenges with us. We love you, my friend! And I pray for you and Barbara daily!

    1. Thank you so much for this, Beth. After a very hard - and heartbreaking - weekend, your words mean more than you may know.

      Thank you so much for the prayers, and love back!

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