Thursday, October 10, 2019

Your Dying Spouse 683 - Keep On Swimming {FMF}

Well, gee. I can't turn my head to the right anymore. There's a tumour in the way.

So, like the eye-patched Nick Fury in the Avengers films, when I want to see something on that side, I turn.

"Sounds exhausting," said Tony Stark.

It is.

But, whatever. You do what you can until you have to do what you must.

I'm swimming very far from shore,
beyond the outer reef,
bottom's a thousand fathoms, more,
and kraken rides beneath.
I feel the salt in the spray,
and it mingles with my tears
that are quickly washed away
leaving just my fears.
I'm tossed and turned, spun about
and dropped from crest to trough,
with no one to hear cry or shout
but the wandering albatross.
Chin up, lad, swim on, be brave,
till Jesus walks out on the wave.

If you want to read about real courage, the ultimate keep-on-swimming attitude, look to Paul Batura's wonerful tribute to Alex Trebek.

And, of course, the musical theme has to be provided by Dory from Finding Nemo...

Thanks to Carol Ashby, Blessed Are The Pure Of Heart is back on Kindle, and will be available in paperback soon.

Friends are everything. I couldn't have done it.

Marley, the canine waif from Afghanistan, whom WE helped save, has a Facebook page! Please drop by to see how happy he is today.

Below are my recent releases on Kindle -please excuse their presence in the body of the blog. I haven't the energy to get them up as 'buttons' in the sidebar. You can click on the covers to go to the Amazon links.


  1. Love the Nemo clip!!! Andrew, how you made me laugh!! But this line (!!!): "Chin up, lad, swim on, be brave,
    till Jesus walks out on the wave."
    So grateful He walks out to meet us right where we are!

    Friend, you are bringing your most powerful messages these days. May God continue to give you strength for the journey and use you greatly for His glory!

    1. Joanne, thank you so much for this lovely affirmation...and I am so glad you enjoyed the clip. One of my favourites.

  2. Yes. Jesus still does walk on the water. Healing grace to surround you, Andrew!

    1. Mari-Anna, He sure does, and thank you so much!

  3. I'm glad you are keeping swimming! Praying for you and cheering you on!

    1. Lesley, thank you so much! I love your posts this month, the messages to a younger you. Great job!

  4. Love the clip. And this is a beautiful image: "I feel the salt in the spray,and it mingles with my tears". Jesus calls us to be the salt of the earth and not to lose our flavor. I think that saltiness comes when we lose all the things we've been holding tight to - when all we have left is His outstretched hand. May God open your eyes to His hand stretched put to catch you, every time that nasty fear comes calling (I know that nasty critter well �� ... hypervigilance is still an almost daily companion in my flesh...thankful for the Holy Spirit pulling us up above to see the weight of glory coming). Sending love to you today.

    1. Anna, thank you o much for this. I think you're right about the saltiness, that it comes with the loss of all we sought to hold...and then we find out we have all we need, in Him!

      Love back!

  5. Dear Andrew, love the poem!
    Sending a new favorite song to you: "What Love, My God" by CityAlight.

    Love & prayers for you & Barb,

    1. Kathryn, what a wonderful song! Thank you so much for this, and also for the love and prayers.

      Love back!

  6. Last time I checked Jesus is still walking on water! Love you.

  7. Dory is my favorite! Continually praying, friend!

    1. Mine too, Tara! Thank you so much for your prayers.

  8. A very good poem! Of course with the albatross it reminds me of The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. I needed study notes to understand it and admire those who can understand and write poetry well! Unfortunately the link did not work for me (maybe due to being in Canada), however I will try to find it. Yes, to keep on swimming and keep on praying is real courage!

    1. Lynn, thank you so much...I'm so glad you enjoyed this.

      I'm sorry about the link not working. It's now not working for me, either. Weird.

      Just swimming along...

  9. (((((Andrew)))))

    Annie in Texas

  10. Your poetry moves me so much, as you convey the hardest moments of life within such words. He is the only One who can meet us out here when those waves are ready to overwhelm us. Praying for His hand upon you tonight.

    1. Bettie, thank you so much! You're so right; He is the only one.

      And thank you so much for your prayers.

  11. keep doing what you need to Andrew. it's all you can eh?

  12. Nemo - one of my favorite movies - ever! LOVE the poetry, and your tenacious zest for life! Amazed at God's grace through you! 💕

  13. What a refreshing and unique voice you have, Andrew. Love the interjection of humour! Thanks for stopping by and visitinf my site today. #FMF

    1. Karla, thank you so much for this, and I'm delighted that you enjoy the humour. I mean, if you can't laugh, what's the point in showing up, eh?

  14. Your poem is beautiful, as they usually are. I hope you're keeping copies so they can be compiled into a book.

    1. Jan, thank you I am keeping copies, and they are stored in a couple of places.

      There are about 1600 so far, all written in 2019. Reading that, I think I must be mad.

  15. Love the image of the sinking, right before Jesus steps out to lift you up. So heartbreaking yet still with hope.

    1. Brooke, thanks! I'm so glad you liked that image.

  16. Hi Andrew, I am so sorry for your pain. Thank you for letting me walk beside you, praying for you as you stumble and bravely walk on. It certainly is a privilege to listen and read your words, your beautiful poetry,....Jesus is always with us, I hope you feel Him near you these days especially. Thanks for allowing me to witness your bravery,l..I hope to meet you in heaven one day soon! Love, Diane

    1. Diane, I'm so glad you're here, and so grateful for your supportive and uplifting words.

      I do feel Jesus' presence, all the time, now.

      I'll look for you on the other side. Love back!

  17. Even when we are so close to giving up, Jesus always steps in... always. It's what He decides to do that sometimes may surprise us. But not Him, he knew before the thing happened what His plan would be. It's obvious how He's been using you for all these years, for all this time, in all your pain and suffering. Andrew, you may thinkl you're just a tiny blip in the timeline of life, but you've touched a great big world with your testimony. Our hearts ache for you and Barb, but we also rejoice that God is in both of you. Tons of prayers comin' atcha both!

    1. Diana, I'm so honoured and heartened by your words...thank you so very, very much.

      I'm so glad to be of use to God. I would not trade back for my health.

      We're so grateul for your prayers; know that you and Jerry are in ours

  18. Hate to hear of this latest development, Andrew! But know that you're in my thoughts and prayers, dear friend!

    1. Beth, thank you so much! The prayer are truly appreciated.

      GREAT post today at Messy Marriage. One of your best.
