Thursday, June 13, 2019

Your Dying Spouse 632 - The God Of Second Chances {FMF}

Not up to writing much today, and, looking back, wish that so much had been different.

There is so much that I passed by,
so much I could have given,
had I not believed the lie
that life rewards the driven.
I followed pride with head unbowed
and the road swept past forsaken,
its grace ignored, till God allowed
my fall, and bid my heart awaken.
With face to ground, I beheld
the fragile beautiful flower
and in its radiance was compelled
to count each haughty wasted hour.
Tears dim my aching backward glance;
oh, God, when I'm with you...a second chance?

If there is any kind of memorial for me, please play this, and NOTHING else. It's Patrick Doyles' Memoriae Tuae from Sgt. Stubby: An American Hero.

I am so tired of fighting.

Martis nec gladius, belli nec ignis impiger
vivim monumentum umquam memoriae tuae consumet

"Nor Mars' quick sword nor his fire shall burn
the living record of your memory."

Thanks to Carol Ashby, Blessed Are The Pure Of Heart is back on Kindle, and will be available in paperback soon.

Friends are everything. I couldn't have done it.

Marley, the canine waif from Afghanistan, whom WE helped save, has a Facebook page! Please drop by to see how happy he is today.

Below are my recent releases on Kindle -please excuse their presence in the body of the blog. I haven't the energy to get them up as 'buttons' in the sidebar. You can click on the covers to go to the Amazon links.


  1. Hi Andrew. This is a poem I wrote 3 years ago (wow). Anyways, it about what I know but will really know when I get to heaven.

    1. Mary, thank you for this; I just visited, and it is BEAUTIFUL!

  2. Dear Andrew, wish I had words to magic away the tiredness and regrets but I think they would sound trite and dishonour your pain. So instead I offer you just my love and prayers and a reminder that God loves you so very much x

    1. Liz, no sincere words are ever trite. They are always welcome.

      Thank ypu so much for the love and prayers...this means more than I can say.

  3. Praying for you this morning, Andrew. May God be near to you today and assure you of His deep love for you. I join the many in saying I am so grateful our paths crossed as you have blessed me!

    1. Joanne, thank you so much for this lovely prayer, and for the benison of your friendship!

  4. Moved to tears by your words and your story, Andrew. I needed to read exactly what you wrote and remember to "behold the fragile beautiful flower" today and always. Prayers.

    1. Beth, I'm truly glad you found a reponance here...and I am so very grateful for the prayers.

  5. My heart is breaking . . . goodness knows I’ve really struggled with regrets this past year or so. But mostly it breaks because of what you’re enduring. I’m so very sorry and praying for you. Oh how I wish I could do more.

    1. Patti, I'm so moved by your words and thoughts...but do know that I am blessed beyond anything in my life before, and part of that blessing is your friendship.

      I'm so glad we met. I would not change a thing.

  6. Your words are so beautiful. My heart is so broken praying for relief and rest for you today.

    1. Bettie, thank you for this, and most especially for your prayers.

  7. You have fought the good fight and your reward draws nigh but don't forget the item you want to leave Barb with. Build it. We ♥ you two.

    1. Susan, that legacy shall be done...and we love you guys! XOXOXO

  8. This is a beautiful poem, Andrew! Praying for comfort and peace for you, and assurance of God's presence with you.

    1. Lesley, I'm so glad you liked it...and thank you so much for your prayers! God's here. He hangs around a lot now.

  9. Replies
    1. Elizabeth, thank you! And thank you especially for the prayers; they're vital.

  10. Praying for a peace-filled weekend ahead. Thanks for sharing and faithfully join the FMF community. Your poems and your words encourage us all.

    1. Jennifer, gosh...I don't now what to say except that I'm honoured, and thank you!

      It was a good weekend; a lot of pain but a lot of joy to overcome it!

  11. (((((Andrew)))))

    Another potent message in poetry!
    Your words have staying power.
    Thank you.

    Annie in Texas

    1. ((((((Annie!))))))

      You just made my day! Thank you so much!

  12. Replies
    1. Karrilee, thank you so much for your prayers, and love back! XOXOXO

  13. Dear Andrew, Still praying for you and dear Barb. You are tired and weary for sure. Going to copy & paste 2 quotes from an article on The Gospel Coalition website:

    Defiantly Dying:

    When we trust in Jesus—when we believe that he is the resurrection and the life and when we repent of our sins and put our faith in him as our Savior and Lord—we are reconnected to the source of life. We are reunited to God, our Creator. So, even if this body of mine will die, it will not stay dead forever. When we die, our spirits go immediately to be with Jesus, and our bodies await the day of resurrection, when Christ returns to harvest the seeds we plant in the ground.

    That’s why we can die defiantly. We can look our last enemy square in the face, take one last breath, hear one last pulse of our heart, and say this: I will breathe again. This heart will beat again. This body will rise again. Because my sins are gone and my Savior got up from that grave!

    Answer to Lament:

    I love what Aubrey Sampson writes in her book on lament:

    Because of the sin-atoning, death-defying, bondage-breaking, heart-healing, prisoner-emancipating, forgiveness-bringing, adoption-declaring, heaven-and-earth-meeting, new-creation-ushering, shalom-restoring, victory-winning, evil-overcoming, righteousness-gifting, Spirit-filling work of the cross and the resurrection, pain and suffering will never be the end of our story. All laments are answered in the lament-ending love of Jesus.

    We can lament today, but we will celebrate tomorrow. Death is going down, and its power will be forever broken.

    (Here is the link to the whole article "We Will Sneer at Death" for those who are interested:

    Andrew, I and your blogging friends (most of whom have never met you) have been blessed to follow your journey and pray for grace until you "sneer at death" and reach the other shore.

    With love & prayers, Kathryn in SC

    1. Kathryn, these are just wonderful...thank you so much!

      I'm so blessed to have you along on this trip, as a stalwart companion and friend.

      To quote Lou Gehrig, I'm the luckiest man alive.

  14. Replies
    1. Paula, thank you so much. Love back, from both of us, and gratitude for your friendship.

  15. I know you are so tired, Andrew! And it breaks my heart to know you are facing the fight of your life every single day. I also believe you'll feel and receive that second chance for joy and grace when you walk through those gates of heaven. You've already received it in a sense now by receiving Christ's forgiveness and salvation. He's the God of the second chance! Hugs and prayers to you, my friend!

    1. Beth, thank you so much for this...and you're right, that 'second chance' truly is Heaven, presaged here by salvation. What a perfect way you picked to say this!

      Thank you so much fpor the hugs and prayers; they are appreciated, and needed.

  16. I'm sure it's been said a thousand times before- possibly by me, bc I just am in awe... (all of the complicated types of awe) but that you take the bravery to share here leaves me speechless... I am moved, every single time.

    1. Misty, wow...I am just so flat-out honoured by your words, and grateful for your presence here.

  17. Stephanie, thank you so very, very much for this.
