Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Your Dying Spouse 541 - Walled In, Raised Up

There's something about being constantly short of breath that's awfully claustrophobic.

Your world constricts; the other side of the room is a long way away, and the gate to the street's an expedition.

I usually try to open the gate for Barb when she leaves for work, and to have it open when she comes back. It's one of the few privileges I still have, and I'm not able to do that most days. It's just too long a walk.

But the funny thing is that as the walls close in, and my available square footage decreases, my world grows in height, and I can see God better.

I can see that He's keeping me from the discouragement I would have expected here, and that it's His influence, through the small bright moments that come my way, that keeps me cheerful, and looking forward to tomorrow.

Certainly it's not me; though possessed of a cheerful and upbeat nature, I'm quite well aware that what I'm going through is bad, bad enough to crush any Cheerful Charlie into the ground.

An it threatens that or me; I have my moments.

But those moments don't last. I feel my heart drawn upward, even when I'm sitting on the floor in physical misery, coughing and coughing.

The brightness is still there, all around me, lifting me to the Light.

Music from Josh Groban, with You Raise Me Up.

Thanks to Carol Ashby, Blessed Are The Pure Of Heart is back on Kindle, and will be available in paperback soon.

Friends are everything. I couldn't have done it.

Marley, the canine waif from Afghanistan, whom WE helped save, has a Facebook page! Please drop by to see how happy he is today.

Below are my recent releases on Kindle -please excuse their presence in the body of the blog. I haven't the energy to get them up as 'buttons' in the sidebar. You can click on the covers to go to the Amazon links.


  1. Oh, Andrew, I absolutely LOVE "You Raise Me Up." Did you know that it's the signature song for Celtic Woman (the greatest group of Irish singers I've heard; at least they used to be when the five original members started)? I hope you'll listen to their rendition, too.
    Hugs from Annie in Texas (gotta love that fiddle)

    1. Annie, I am definitely a fan of Celtic Woman...I love their version! (So does Barb.)

      Hugs back, from both of us!

  2. "I feel my heart drawn upward, even when...." fill in the blank, my heart says to me........ Andrew, your words and journey are hope and life for us still stuck in the muck - not asa superhero, but as one struggling human to another. As always: thank you. Still praying for you both everyday. And now today I will be on the look out for "The brightness still there, all around me, lifting me to the Light."

    1. Jane, I'm definitely struggling, and all too human! Thank you so much for this loving, uplifting comment, and for your prayers. You remain in ours.

  3. I pray God will always lift you up to the light. Your words are always a blessing, Andrew. May God wrap His loving arms around you and Barb. Blessings and love to you both!

    1. Gayl, thank you so much for the prayers; they are truly appreciated. Blessings back!

  4. You are so inspiring! Who needs music when they can read your messages of battling the forces of evil.
