Thursday, November 8, 2018

Your Dying Spouse 539 - Not Faith For The Journey; Faith For NOW {FMF}

If you had asked me in my previous life how I would retain faith in a loving and merciful God...or any God...through terminal cancer, I would have scratched my beard and shook my head and then spit out a bunch of tobacco juice.

Which is Chinese Redneck for I have no idea.

But I know the answer now, and it's simple.

You find faith in the next moment. Look too far, and you're messed up.

It's like walking a rocky trail. Look down for the next step, and you're fine. Watch the horizon, and you're in twisted-ankle-land.

You don't need faith for the journey. You need faith for the right now.

I don't know what I will face tomorrow, but I can hold my faith to my heart by appreciating God's blessings in the moment.

Blessings like the friendly, gentle contractor who's finishing off some tornado-repair damage to the house. He's replacing some drywall today, and the dogs love him.

Blessings like a good movie, The Last Jedi, which takes me to a different place, and may the Force be with you!

Sometimes you have to dig. It could be worse. I could be slow, soft, and ugly.

Yeah, humour helps.

But the point is that, like the lilies of the field or the wandering and muttering Israelites, I don't have to worry about tomorrow.

God will provide.

Grace is manna, and there will be more tomorrow.

Just for fun of it, here are The Searchers with Love Potion #9. Enjoy!

Thanks to Carol Ashby, Blessed Are The Pure Of Heart is back on Kindle, and will be available in paperback soon.

Friends are everything. I couldn't have done it.

Marley, the canine waif from Afghanistan, whom WE helped save, has a Facebook page! Please drop by to see how happy he is today.

Below are my recent releases on Kindle -please excuse their presence in the body of the blog. I haven't the energy to get them up as 'buttons' in the sidebar. You can click on the covers to go to the Amazon links.


  1. Faith for the right now. Amen!

  2. Day by day and moment by moment. Life has been so busy around here that I miss everything and everyone. But we stop to watch a Hallmark movie or an episode of The Waltons and that helps to ground us. I think of you every day and always remember you in my prayers. It's the friends like you who keep me going.

    1. Shelli, it's so wonderful to find a way to ground yourself, and slow back down to God's pace!

      You're in my daily prayers, too. I believe in you; I believe in your writing.

      Thank you so much for being here!

  3. Andrew... thank you. I want to share all my grace gifts with you. Every bit of them. Because they are many. In any form you're needing right now... Jesus, let them be Andrew's. And Barbara's. Please and Amen.

    1. Jane, we grateful for this generosity, grateful beyond words...thank you so much! We're praying for you, too.

  4. Andrew, I LOVE your message today! Thanks so much for sharing it with us. Blessings my friend.

  5. Yes, exactly like Corrie Ten Boom's father explained to her that he handed her her train ticket just before she boarded the train, and told her that God gives us what we need at the moment we need it!
    Yes, Andrew, one moment at a time... the grace and strength will be provided just when we need it.
    Hugs from Annie in Texas

    1. Annie, that's a wonderful example! Thank you so much for sharing it. It's perfect.

      Hugs back!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Faith for the right now. Yes! Visiting from FMF #3.

    1. Heather, thank you so much - and I loved your post!

  8. So much wisdom in taking it one step at a time and trusting God for the moment!

  9. I think you are right, we need to focus on the Lord to give us the grace and faith we need for the right now, in this moment. Visiting from FMF.

    1. Susan, thank you, and I am so glad you're here. Blessings!

  10. Grace is mamma! Faith in the right now indeed.

  11. "You don't need faith for the journey. You need faith for the right now."

    Yes and Amen, brother!

    1. Karrilee, XOXOXO right back, from all of us!

  12. Faith for right now is powerful stuff, because faith for the journey might be for a journey we do not take, but we are always and ever right here in the moment.
    Grace is manna! Perfect! (I always thought manna would taste like baklava, but if it is new every morning it must be grace and mercy instead!)

    1. Carol, that's an excellent point...the faith we try to build may indeed be for a journey not destined to be ours.

      And I love your take on the taste of manna!

  13. "Grace is manna, and there will be more tomorrow."

    Andrew, this post really hit home for me today. Thank you so much!

    1. Katha, I am so glad you found something of value here!

  14. Focusing on the Lord and trusting Him for every single step! That is how I am walking right now and want to for the rest of my life, Andrew. He never leaves me. Linda @ Being Woven

    1. Linda, yes! It's the best way to walk, and He never, ever leaves.

      Thank you so much for being here.

  15. truth there. if you look too far ahead faith seems impossible...but if you look for what you need in the moment, God provides.

  16. Are the rest of y'all getting concerned about Andrew's silence?

    Annie in Texas

    1. Annie, I'm here. It's been a very, very hard couple of days.

  17. Perfect. Sending love and light (right now). <3

  18. Here's to praying that you are able to suck the sweet marrow out of each moment of your life, Andrew! It seems that you do that in words that encourage here for sure! Praying you find moments of unexpected joy amidst the pain today.

    1. Beth, I won't say it isn't hard sometimes, to enjoy each moment...such as, as I'm writing this...but it's a choice, and one that CAN be made with intention, and with the acceptance of God's help.

      Thank you so much for the prayers!
