Thursday, September 28, 2017

Your Dying Spouse 368 - My Hero, Hiroo {FM}

And things get worse...a LOT worse. New pain, new physical and mental insult (the kind that calls for Depends, and depend is the FMF word)...but the battle continues.

I have to confess that I have something of a secret weapon...someone whose example I have always admired, Lieutenant Onoda Hiroo (in Japanese, family names come first; Hiroo is his given name.)

The name may ring a bell. Onoda Hiroo was the last Japanese holdout of World War Two, surrendering only in early 1975.

Lt. Onoda commanded a 4-man intelligence unit on the island of lubang in the Philippines, and not believing the war was over, fought on. He didn't just hide; he fought.

For twenty-nine years. (You can read his story here; it's more vivid than Wikipedia, and the language used may be colourful, but I think you may agree it's appropriate.)

Lt. Onoda, was told by many, many people that his war was over, but he didn't believe them. So he fought on.

Why? There's only one word that fits. Honour.

An that's how I feel. I am told my war is done, that it's time to go into hospital and be drugged to end the pain, to give up on the dreams that have sustained me and the hopes that have pulled me forward. Like Lt. Onoda, I've been told that this is for the good of a wier world, one that does not want to see the fight grind on.

Better to be a holdout, and fight on.

And, if you want to know, this is how I fight:
  • Prayer...I dedicate my battle to a greater glory, to the Empire...the Empire of God
  • Maintenance of morale...I fill my head (lots of room in there, it's rather empty) with songs of victory, and I read the words that spur me forward
  • Purpose...I support barbara in the best way I can, so she can work effectively at her job, I write (mainly just this blog, now), I take care of the dogs that have come to our sanctuary, and some days I feel good enough to get a little bit of work done upon my aeroplane.
  • Exercise...mens san in corpore sano, they say. A healthy mind in a healthy body. There are severe limits...I can't run...but I can do endless pushups, and I have a chinning bar that is daily my beloved enemy. I'm dazed and bleeding and needing a change of laundry after each session, but it buys the right to stand int he flames again tomorrow.
  • And last of all, ego and stubbornness. Giving in is for the weak, giving up is for losers, and I simply refuse to lose.
I ay be quite wrong. Like Lt. Onoda, I may be fighting a war long lost. But like him, I don't believe that, and I will not stop.

I you'd like to read Lt.Onoda's story in his own words, get a copy of No Surrender. It's a great and inspiring read. One to deserve a permanent place on the bedside table.

And yes, this is a post for Five Minute Friday.

Musical accompaniment is from Sugar Ray, with Someday.

I do ask that you be patient with my slow replies to your comments (which we treasure). I'm trying to stay caught up.

Still hoping to get the new and improved version of Blessed Are The Pure Of Heart up and running in the near future. Just haven't had the energy to do it yet...but if you would like to read it, please say so in your comment and I'd be glad to send you a PDF (which should fit your Kindle).

I have another blog, "Starting The Day With Grace". The focus is a grace quote from someone you might not expect (like, say Mick Jagger) and a short commentary. I hope you'll join me.

Marley update... been moved to a sanctuary, and Bay County will revise their 'dangerous dog' codes.


And marley has a Facebook page! Please drop by to see how happy he is today.

If you can, please do leave a comment. I am trying to answer all, and I am failing, but please know this - I read and treasure each one.

Below are my recent releases on Kindle -please excuse their presence in the body of the blog. I haven't the energy to get them up as 'buttons' in the sidebar. You can click on the covers to go to the Amazon links.


  1. Fascinating stuff. I love war history, so thanks for sharing! And your fight isn't over, brother. Grateful for your stubborn tenacity to stay here. My life is better for it. :)

    Love ya,

    1. So glad you found this interesting, Jordan!

      And that your life is the better for my writing...I have never had as high a compliment.

      Love you too, dear brave heart.

  2. Andrew:
    Fight on, my friend.
    Be courageous.
    Be honorable.
    Be you.

    1. I'll keep fighting, Beth. Though my strength flickers...I don't know how to do anything else. Don't want to learn, neither.

      Thanks so much for being here!

  3. Awww, Andrew, you're playing my high school/college radio hits! First the Corrs and now Sugar Ray. Much more mellow than your usual fare. ;)
    Today is the 109th day of food recording using MyFitnessPal, and I have lost 9 pounds (while exchanging the flub for muscle).
    Missing exercise is a real thing. I can so relate to your need to exert yourself, even if the results require extra cleaning. We were created not to just sit, but to work. I am so glad you can still use this outlet!
    Perseverance is the theme of Paul, I think. Running the race and running to win and are a champion, Andrew!
    But, that 'depends' on who you ask. ;)
    Ha ha, okay, no more puns. That would be cheeky of me.

    Love to you and Barbara!

    1. Congratulations on the nine down, Tammy! That is SO cool.

      And you're right. We are designed to work out. I do miss running.

      I LOVE your puns...

      And the love we have for you 'depends' on nothing. It's a given. We've adopted you.

  4. I heard about this story (I think I read an article somewhere) about Lt Onoda. What an amazing man...I can see why he is an inspiration to you, my friend. Continue to fight the good fight and rely on Jesus in the midst of it.

    You and Barb are continually in my prayers.

    1. jeanne, yes...Hiroo Onoda is truly amazing, and the way he held to his dignity and devotion to duty to the end...I mean, look at that's something to be cherished by all.

      Like Lt. Onoda, I will keep fighting. We are so grateful for your prayers!

  5. Friend, your post reminds me of the story of the fiery furnace. You go in but you don't come out smelling like smoke, in other words, Gods in control. You are a warrior my friend! I'm in the 8 spot this week.

    1. God is indeed in control, Tara. I may be walking through darkness, but if I hold His hand I'll be right.

      God's a Cool Cat, and cats can see in the dark.

  6. Hello, Andrew. I visited a post I wrote a few months ago after my father-in-law passed away about the Ignatian concept of "cura personalis" -- sounds a bit similar to the one you shared here (but I'm not a spirituality expert LOL!). Sending you prayers and affection. Barb too.

    1. Paula, cura personalis is a definite analogue...thank you for reminding me!

      Your prayers are very much appreciated, by both of us.

  7. Fight your war until you are ready Andrew. Either way you are our hero for living through it all with the help of God. Praying for you sweet friend!!

    1. Marisa, thank you so much for this...and most especially for the prayers.

      I'll be fighting on.

  8. Andrew, you keep fighting the good fight. Know you are making a difference by your example. I am praying for both you & Barb, for God alone to provide all that you each need for these difficult days. Blessings, friend!

    1. Joanne, we so appreciate the prayers. It's been a very rough weekend but I will keep going. Quitting isn't an option.

  9. What an interesting story! I always learn something new here. And I'm inspired by your determination to keep fighting!

    1. I'm so glad you enjoyed this, Lesley! And I am so very appreciative of your kind words, and your presence here today.

  10. Huh. I have never heard of this guy. How interesting.

    I love that prayer is at the top of your battle plan. That's where all the strength and encouragement is found, in pouring yourself out before Him and letting Him fill you. - Marie (

    1. Glad you liked Lt. Onoda's story, Marie.

      You're so right, and I love the image of pouring oneself pout before God, and allowing Him to do the filling. That's great!

  11. Wow. Just wow. You're an amazing man. One part of me wants to yell at people like this and tell them to stop being so stubborn and putting themselves through so much. The other part of me wants to be them. Reminds me of Uzumaki Naruto, the boy ninja who just wouldn't quit (it's an anime series).

    1. Alchemist, thank you for this! I'm sure Barbara feels the same way (well, she's actually said she does!).

      I will be sure to look up Uzumaki Naruto; thanks for the tip!

    2. :) Naruto is the first series. It's on Netflix (I watched it for the third time with my husband recently). It's really great. It has strong themes of never giving up, your reason for living, revenge/ forgiveness and despair vs. hope. And being Japanese, they get really real about some stuff in a way Western stories really don't, but without being sordid. Naruto suffers a bit from too many flashbacks and too much exposition, but it gets better quickly. Naruto Shippuden is the second series and they took it off Netflix. You can also find both series on Crunchyroll and Vizanime (for free, thought with advertisements).

  12. i remember hearing about him:) i couldn't have told you his name, but i remember the story. quite amazing. as for you andrew, you are not fighting a lost cause. yes, you will die, but there is life after you pass. that will be stunning and beyond your and my wildest imagination!! i hurt for you during this awful season of pain:( but glory is around the corner! i don't know if you ever heard the sermon tony compolo preached in a black church, but was titled IT'S FRIDAY, SUNDAY'S COMING! it was preached on good friday. it is awesome if you can hear it online! it's talking about the crappy GOOD FRIDAY stuff that is going on and that we have to life in now, but Sunday (the resurrection) is coming...that final day when all of us who are in Christ will be joined together and the good friday stuff will be over and done with for good! it is the kind of sermon that only gets preached in a black church and i love it:)

    1. Martha, thanks for the heads-up to Tony Compolo's sermon. I will look for it.

      And yes, the final victory will be beyond imagining. I don't often think of it - I have the feeling God wants me to keep my head in the game - but it's there, waiting.

      Thank you so much for this, and for being here.

  13. Keep on keeping on! Bless you, Andrew!

  14. Interesting story, I hadn't heard of him before! Fighting for your honour is noble and I guess that's one of the last things taken away from us.
    I'm impressed that you keep on marching on, for yourself and your loved ones.
    Keep on marching!

    1. Katha, yes...honour is, if we choose to fight for it, our last possession in this life.

      I'll keep marching! Thank you so much for being here.

  15. It ain't over 'til God says it's over.

    He'll let you know, I'm sure.

    Until that day comes, fight on, Warrior!

    Prayers and blessings from me and Jerry.

    1. Diana, that is so true! God indeed has the final word.

      Meanwhile, battle continues.

      We very much appreciate your prayers, and are praying for you and Jerry.

  16. Thanks for sharing Onoda's story, Andrew and your own battle plan as well. May God keep you strong till the end!

    1. I'm glad you liked it, Jeannie. Thanks so much for your good wishes, and for being here!

  17. You're a hero, Andrew. I'm praying for you and yours. Rest in His grace and peace!

    1. Gosh, Mari-Anna, thank you! We appreciate your be assured, His Grace is all around me. I'm never alone.

  18. This is awesome!! Praying for you, my friend.

    1. Thank you so much, Rachel, for your kind words and most especially your prayers.

  19. Andrew, you are awesome and one of my unseen heroes. But not a hero I worship, but one I pray for daily to never quit. I quit so often..well we all do, and then get back up again. Prayer is something I depend on cause I can't depend on me. Haven't written yet this week. God will put that finish line there when He is ready. In the meantime, you are strengthening others by pushing it back.

    1. Mary, it's not about how many times you quit, but how many times you get up again. I think YOU are awesome!

      And you're so right; if we depend on ourselves we're lost, but if we put that dependency into our prayers, we're found...forever.

      I'm just so grateful you;re here, my friend. Thank you.

  20. You, Andrew are a hero and I so admire and am inspired by your fight. Please know that I am praying for you and so grateful always for the hard won wisdom that you share, and the way that you share it. You are a pool with just unbelievable depth. Blessings.

    1. Kelly, thank you so much...your kind words give me heart, and your prayers lift my spirits at the end of what has been a brutal day.

      You give me strength for the fight.

  21. I am so thankful for your "breakdown" of how you keep on. You are so inspiring. Sugar Ray! It's been a while but I remember this song! Praying for you, and thank you for praying and being faithful in writing here. It is such an overflow of your heart. Are you doing the #write31days?

    1. Meg, I'm so glad you enjoyed the 'action items', and even MORE glad that you liked the song, 'cause it's one of my favourites, and I often puzzle the dogs by trying to hum it.

      We thank you so much for the prayers, truly.

      I wasn't planning on the #write31days, things have been tough...but I still might.

      Thanks so much for being here!

  22. Andrew, your post and posture remind be of this quote by Sir Winston Churchill, “Never give in--never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.”

    1. E, thank you so much for this! It really means a lot to me...barbara and I were married in 2002, and divorced in 2003...and I used the first part of this quote as my mantra to win her back.

      We were remarried in 2004 in las Vegas, in a helicopter over the Strip, at night.

      I didn't know that one of her secret conditions was that the ceremony be performed by a Catholic priest, and at the last turned up. He had to get special dispensation from the archdiocese.

      God's Mighty Hand.

  23. This verse came to mind reading your words tonight. This verse reminds me of you.

    2 Timothy 4:7
    I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.

    I am praying for you and Barb.


    1. Jolene, I am SO honoured, and we are deeply, deeply grateful for your prayers.

      it has been a very hard weekend.

    2. Dear Heavenly Father, I lift up Andrew and Barb to you. Please Lord give them comfort and peace. Ease Andrew's pain. Be near Andrew and Barb, and may they feel Your love in a powerful way. In Jesus name, Amen

  24. And, may we always remember Who wins!

  25. Prayer, encouragement (morale), purpose, exercise, and sticktoitiveness. These are winners. And you are winning. Each day. As God gives you more fight.
