Thursday, August 4, 2016

Your Dying Spouse 190 - The Mustard Seed Of Happy {FMF}

Once again it is time for Five Minute Friday, the keyword-driven weekly timed writing challenge hosted by Kate Motaung.

The work this week  is HAPPY.

Happy is something you can't chase, and it's not something that chases you.

Happy is transcendentally contained within each moment; apotheosis in time's mustard seed.

You've just got to accept it.

I thought that when I lost the ability to pursue my dreams, when my professional life faded away to nothing, when my very body became a jailer, that I would be unhappy.

Well, if I wanted that, unhappiness, I could have it. If I chose bitterness, it would be served up in super-sized portions.

But if I chose to be happy, the smallest of seeds would be placed on my plate.

And within that seed lies the key to eternity.

Marley update...he's received a lot of support, but STILL NEEDS HELP TO BE SAVED.


He's up to nearly 200,000 signatures, but the local authorities are dragging their feet. They think that we'll give up and go away. We won't.

If you have a mment, I'd like to ask you to visit to consider a petition to free a 'death row dog' who has been separated from his family for ten months over a misunderstanding. Marley was saved from Afghanistan by a US serviceman; please help make sure this story doesn't end in needless tragedy! Marley's gotten a lot of support...but he still needs our help.

If you can, please do leave a comment. I am trying to answer all, and I am failing, but please know this - I read and treasure each one.

Below are my recent releases on Kindle -please excuse their presence in the body of the blog. I haven't the energy to get them up as 'buttons' in the sidebar. You can click on the covers to go to the Amazon links.


  1. Oh, Andrew, well said! Short but very profound! Thank you!

  2. Andrew,
    This brings new meaning to the phrase, "My plate is full." :)
    And so glad you have not chosen bitterness. You have chosen wisely.
    What makes you happy has changed, but the building up of others that you do brings great happiness and God is using your every word!

    1. Tammy, thank you so much...and my plate is indeed full. So is my house, with Rex The Visiting Happy Dog...a neighbour's dog who likes to hang out with the guys. He's a delight, and has brightened the place so much with his smile that we all need shades.

      And I do try to build others up, because so many people just don't know how wonderful and talented they are, and how loved.

      Love back!

  3. Oh Andrew, yes! I think that's exactly what Jennifer Dukes Lee is saying in her new book The Happiness Dare. I'm a giver which means shared happiness is double happiness. I think that comes from that small seed of happiness you mentioned. It starts with that small seed. Love you brother! I'm in the 5 spot this week.

    1. Love you, too, Tara, and seeing your smile and your kind words always makes me happy. You're such a strong pillar of faith...and I lean on your witness more often than you may think!

      I am so glad you're here.

  4. Andrew, I love that you shared how happiness is in moments. This moment. You're right. We can accept happiness. Or not. Thank you for choosing to accept it, in spite of circumstances. Your example inspires, my friend.

    1. Jeanne, thank you for this. Yes, it's the moment...I learned the theory a long time ago, actually, but putting it into practice required a hard school. Worth it, though.

      So glad you are here, my friend!

  5. Happiness is definitely in the moments!! I have been out of the five minute Friday loop for the summer and missed all of yall!!

    1. I've missed you, Miranda. There were too many moments without you at FMF.

      I am so glad you're back!

  6. Stunning words that hit the spot for me tonight. These right here are golden..."But if I chose to be happy, the smallest of seeds would be placed on my plate. And within that seed lies the key to eternity." Amen. With love and prayers always!

    1. Mary, I am so glad that you found something in my words today. That means so much, and I so appreciate your sharing your feelings, along with the love and prayers.

  7. "Happy is transcendentally contained within each moment; apotheosis in time's mustard seed." So profound. Though I admit I did have to look up 'apotheosis'! Great word!

    1. Emma, thank you so much! And thank you for taking the time to visit.

  8. Bitterness, yes. My friend and I were just discussing this. How easy it is to give in to that and the powerful negative impact it has. We both talked about how God has reminded us to be grateful. That has been our eternal seed: Psalm 116: 7 "Return to your rest, my soul, for the LORD has been good to you." We just need to decide to look for it, don't we? So true: it is in each and every moment, each and every breath. Thank you for these words, Andrew.

    1. Anna, I love Ps116. Thank you for bringing it to the conversation!

      And thank you so much for stopping by. I appreciate you.

  9. The choice of happiness.... Not always what I want - seems to hard - but always worth the effort in the end.

    1. Annie, it is hard except when one is up against the irreducible...and then it's easy. But getting to the irreducible really, really sucks.

      But it's worth it.

      And I am so glad you are here.

  10. Oh Andrew... this truth is so powerful here because you are living it out loud and more than any or at least most of us, the pull to not choose happiness must be strong! Thank you, brother, for choosing it anyway - and showing us how!

    1. karrilee, thank you...but it would be hard NOT to choose happiness, at this point. Not because "I've suffered so much!" or some such melodrama, but because all I have are the moments, and with that knowledge came the discovery of what was, in retrospect, blindingly obvious - even though I had learned the 'theory' through Zen practice decades ago.

      I'm so glad you're here, my friend!

  11. Well. I want to comment but I want to use a bad word that I really don't like to use but at times is the only thing that properly describes a situation. So I want you to stay happy with the whole happy seeds on your plate thing but it really just su*ks that you're so sick and we want to keep reading your happy seeds and all. xo

    1. Susan, thank you...and rest assured that this is a space that welcomes ALL bad words! Some things can only be properly described with their use, so fire away.

      Today started out as I "will I see the sunrise?" sort of exercise - severe pain pred-dawn, and I could not call for help. But God disposes, and I guess He's not ready for me yet.

      Fine with me. I'm still having fun.

  12. So true that we have a choice regardless of our circumstances. Thank you for your example in living this out so powerfully. I'm glad you're choosing happiness.

    1. Carly, thank you. In a sense, though, happiness is choosing me, a 'me' forced by circumstance to finally open my eyes.

      Thank you for being here; I really appreciate your taking the time to read and comment.

  13. It makes me happy to know you are happy.

    1. Jan, I can't makes me happy yo know you are happy knowing that I am happy.

      And I am happy you are here.

  14. Glad you've made that choice, Andrew. It's life-changer, for the better.

    1. It is indeed, Debby. It is indeed. Thank you for being here!

  15. Love the mustard seed imagery! Great post!

    1. Thanks, Tammy! My wife once had a mustard seed key-chain, which she loaned to me, and I lost. I hope that when she reads this, it will be some small recompense.

      Otherwise I am still in the doghouse for THAT one!

      I'm so glad you're here.

  16. "But if I chose to be happy, the smallest of seeds would be placed on my plate."

    This reminded me of this song: :)

    Makes me think, when Jesus gives us the smallest seed, it has the chance to grow beyond the bitter root we are so used to.

    Thank you for sharing this, Andrew. May Jesus continue to grow your happiness in exchange for the bitter root. ☺️

    Visiting from fmf, #29

    1. Thank you so much for the song link!

      And yes...the small seed will grow beyond the bitter root, if we let it, and have the patience to wait. Nice observation!

      Thank you so much for being here today!

  17. Andrew, I really like this: "But if I chose to be happy, the smallest of seeds would be placed on my plate." All it takes is a small seed, watered with gratitude and contentment. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Shauna, thank you...and I truly appreciate your taking the time to visit and comment.

  18. Andrew, I really like this: "But if I chose to be happy, the smallest of seeds would be placed on my plate." All it takes is a small seed, watered with gratitude and contentment. Thank you for sharing!

  19. Mustard is yellow, so whenever I think of mustard seeds, I think of something bright. Something precious. Something to be held close. A treasure. I think He gives us these little bursts of light each and every day, no matter what's happening. Gets us through the tough times.

    1. Well,'s yellow too. Except for my wedding ring which is 'red gold' but it doesn't look red, like lacquer, which would have been cool, eh?

      Uh...where was I? Treasures. Yes, and you're so very right, and I loved the way you developed this!

      He does get us through the tough times. And I am so glad you're here.

  20. And that's the way it should be! We wonder why it was so hard to get to that place. But once that form of happiness is found, there is no going back to the way it used to be.b

    1. Norma, you're absolutely right. It is hard to get there...and I don't EVER want to go back to what it was before!

      Thank you so much for reading and commenting, my friend. I appreciate you.

  21. Life comes down to so many choices. Thank you for the reminder and example. God's grace flows in and through you. Blessings and peace! Stopping by from FMF. Leigh

    1. Leigh, thank you so much for your kind and gracious words, and for your presence here today. You are appreciated!

  22. Blessings to you, Andrew--you are in my prayers--may the Lord use you continually as a light for Him.

    1. Rebekah, thank you so much. I hope that He is happy with what light I can give, and I so appreciate your prayers.

  23. Your words are so true. We do have a choice each and every day, even every moment to chose happiness. I'm sorry that you seem to be going through some difficult circumstances, but so glad you are choosing life in the midst of them. God bless.
    (Visiting you back from FMF.)

    1. Ann, thank you so much! The circumstances are difficult, and (so they say) fatal, but life goes on regardless, and how one faces it is, as you say, a choice.

      Thank you so much for stopping by, and I loved the picture of you and Buster!

  24. Thanks for your kind words on my blog Andrew. I appreciate it so much. Praying for you to be happy always. ��

    1. Michelle, it was an honour to visit your blog, and even more so that you have stopped by here. I truly appreciate your prayers.

  25. A small but powerful seed... happiness! I marvel at how God continues to prompt us to be happy in Him. So thankful we get to journey through this life together, being happy, even if it is through our blogs. Bless you, Andrew. Praying for us all to remain happy in what really matters.

    1. Julie, thank you so much (and I am delighted that you had a good time on RAGBRAI!). I have learned that together is not proximity - it's faith and purpose.

      And we so appreciate the prayers.

  26. Thank you for not choosing bitterness. Such a great testimony to all!

    1. Ellen, it ended up not being a choice at all...circumstances have become so harsh that the 'bitterness option' was untenable from the start, and at last I could see that clearly.

      I would not trade this perspective to be pain-free, nor trade it for additional years.

  27. Oh Andrew, how I needed these words today. I'm having trouble "feeling" happy lately, but your words so powerfully reminded me not to close myself to happiness, but to wait expectantly for even the smallest seed. Thanking God for you and your words today.

    1. Katy, I come here having just stopped by your place. You moved me so much! (Thus, the length of my comment there.)

      I thank God for YOU, my friend. You are so very, very brave. And your courage has held my head above the waves of despair.

  28. So many things we think we don't have a choice in but do. I've realized that choosing to accept happiness is possible but also a choice I have to make again and again. Beautiful thoughts.

    1. Jennifer, thank you so much for this, and for both visiting and taking the time to comment.

      You're right that it is a choice, but the funny thing is that when circumstances become fraught...the choice becomes easier, and bitterness and wrath less appealing.

      Weird, eh?

  29. Oh yes, this is good. Sweet simple truth.

  30. It might be fun to have a t-shirt made that says something like "No need to run... Happiness is not chasing you". Ha!!Thanks again Andrew, you've brought a smile to my face today.

  31. Amen! Sometimes when we face trials, we think the proper game face is somber and morose. Not. It's a smile energized by the heavenly Father who wants us to seek Him (the source of happy) at all times.

  32. I'm so glad you've not let the "jailer" that keeps you imprisoned in pain has not kept you imprisoned in anger and bitterness, Andrew. It would be so very tempting to give in to that pain and harsh reality. Thanks for always reminding us that we have good choices, even though we face suffering. Hugs to you, my friend!

  33. This is a wonderful testimony! So many people choose bitterness and anger when faced with trials and I praise God that you have chosen to show His light and choose joy and happy instead. Thanks for sharing!

    visiting from FMF

  34. WOW!! So simple, huh?! Yet...sometimes it is so far away! Thanks for the reminder and your inspiring always!!

  35. Unhappy comes easily in bucketfuls for the one who chooses it. But for the one who cracks open the possibility of another way, the seed of happiness has the ability to sprout. It takes watering, weeding, and pruning, but the life-giving, flourishing gift of a thankful heart (choosing happy) is taking a taste of eternity. All good things are a gift from God. A thankful heart is a heart connected.
    I love your writing. Today, while late in the week, was the perfect day for me to read it. You inspire me.
