Sunday, April 24, 2016

Your Dying Spouse 146 - Another Near-Death Thing

Short post again. Sorry.

Stopped breathing last night, and Ladron the Heeler brought me back.

She jumped up and down on my chest, barking furiously.

I felt myself being draw up, as if caught in a tornado, unable to breathe, and I could see my body, and them my house, receding beyond mortal reach.


"Dad, NO!" You can't go!"

And I came back.

The experience was scary. I knew I was not breathing,and that I couldn't. But my buddy canceled my Apocalypse.

Coming back hurt, physically. I'm pretty shaky, but felt this should be documented.

And it's been emotionally rough. I hate to admit this, but I've had crying jags all day. I don't know why.

Glad to still be here. It's a nice day in New Mexico.

It's spring.

If you can, please do leave a comment. I am trying to answer all, and I am failing, but please know this - I read and treasure each one.

Below are my recent releases on Kindle -please excuse their presence in the body of the blog. I haven't the energy to get them up as 'buttons' in the sidebar. You can click on the covers to go to the Amazon links (they're 99 cents each). And if you'd like a free PDF, please email me at tempusfugit02 (at) gmail (dot) com, and I'll gladly send them


  1. Praise God. And I mean that. Wow, Andrew.

    1. Indeed, Norma...He is worthy of praise.

      Please excuse my delay in replying; tough week.

      Thank you so much for being here!

  2. Oh, Andrew. God's not done with you here yet. Sending love.

    1. Sandra, thank you...and please pardon my tardy reply.

      No, we're not done here yet. God disposes...and He hasn't 'disposed' of my life on earth just yet, and for that I am grateful

  3. Whether you're here in the flesh or not, you'll always still be here in one form, Andrew. I pray for less pain, for peace, for lots and lots of love.

    1. Lisa, thank you so much. I truly appreciate these words, and the love you send.

  4. Every day is a gift. Your words give me a heightened appreciation for the blue hyacinths just beginning to emerge on this spring day in Maine.

    1. Michele, blue hyacinths! How wonderful.

      I am there, in spirit, enjoying them.

  5. Your dog did CPR! That's amazing!
    And I'm glad we still have you.

    1. Jan, she and Sylvia taught's rather a frantic and noisy evolution, but it's been effective more than once.

      I'm glad to still be here as well.

  6. it's ok, friend. go ahead and weep.

    Jesus wept. you're in good company.

    1. Linda, thank you...and that is one of my favourite Scripture passages (partly because I can REMEMBER it, I suppose).

      Thank you so much for being here, my friend.

  7. They call 'em heeler for a reason. So glad you have one.

    1. Davalyn, that's absolutely right. Ladron came to us when she was five weeks old, and within a few days figured out how to wake me - safely - from PTSD nightmares. As I write this she has her paw on my foot. I'm never out of her sight, and rarely out of her 'touch'.

      Thank you so much for being here with us.

  8. Andrew, today is a good day for tears. Our oldest senior dog, Angus passed. He had a good life and I'm glad your canine angels watch over you. They are a blessing.

    1. Lara, I am so very, very sorry for your loss. They are indeed a blessing, and I firmly believe that he is waiting for you, restored to youth, ready to play.

      How could it ever be Heaven without Angus?

  9. Holding you up in prayers, my friend! I'm glad you've got a house full of caretakers!

    1. ANita, thank you...and I am so blessed to have these guys. While I sometimes wonder how to go on, they have no doubt as to either the 'how' or the 'why'.

  10. Ladron the Healer. New name. New breed. A dog heaven sent. Thank you, Ladron. xo

    1. She's indeed heaven-sent, Susan and Tammy. And she is a Healer; she can mend despair with a quick smile and a wag of her bobbed tail (she was born a bobtail).

  11. There is no shame in tears. Sometimes that is how we begin to process the overwhelming emotion. I'm thankful God gave you Ladron. And that you're sharing this story.

    Continuing to pray, my friend.

    1. Jeanne, thank you so much for the prayers. And the tears, though hard, were necessary (and have not quite stopped, days later).

      We so appreciate your prayers!

  12. Replies
    1. Lisa, yes...they need me about as much as I need them. Works out for everyone.

  13. I think Ladron is deserving of a purple heart, Andrew! Is she the one who saved you last time? She must some amazing dog with a huge love for her master! We are grateful to her, to say the least! You keep breathing each day, Andrew! We aren't ready to lose you!

    1. Beth, she sure does deserve a medal. Ladron rarely sleeps; she'll turn duties over to Sylvia sometimes to get some rest. But she still sleeps with one brown eye open.

      Sylvia did CPR last time; on this occasion she was nursing a grumbly tummy in her 'quiet place', and arrived on the scene late. But she was, and is there.

      They're both really something, and I thank God for them (and for all the others, especially Reebok who stood off and barked like only a Ridgeback can)

      I aim to keep breathing in and out for as long as I can. Being surrounded by such love as this, both canine and human, how can I do otherwise?

  14. My goodness, Andrew. You have some amazing dogs. I'm glad you're sharing your story. You have many who care about you. Continuing to pray.

    1. Julie, thank you so much. They are truly amazing, and I thank God for them every day, for he sent them.

      Thank you so much for the prayers!

  15. My goodness, Andrew. You have some amazing dogs. I'm glad you're sharing your story. You have many who care about you. Continuing to pray.
