Thursday, April 7, 2016

Your Dying Spouse -140 Not A Warrior {FMF}

Time for Five Minute Friday, the weekly keyword-driven writing challenge hosted by Kate Motaung.

The word this week is...well, I don't know, because I seriously doubt that I will be up to writing it in a timely manner. So I'm working ahead, in fits and starts, to post something.

If I can drag in the Word, kicking and screaming, I will. If not, forgive me.

It's been a really bad few days, including a collapse outside which left me in the sun for a few hours. Barbara says I was eventually able to crawl inside. I don't remember.

But I do have a sunburn. First of the year.

One has to ask, why bother?

I think I''ll let Jon Foreman answer that for me...

It is a fight, and love is what I fought for all my life.

Not as a warrior...see, I don't rate that kind of honorific. I was very well trained to bring a sort of definite closure to problems. A fair fight meant I was unprepared; the aim was always overwhelming force on an unsuspecting target. 

Kind of unfortunate for those on the receiving end, but they made the first stupid move.

Sow the wind, reap the...well, whatever, but it's kind of worse than a whirlwind.

And why?

Love, plain and simple. because people, whoever they are, deserve to love, to hold hands, to wake in the morning to the sound of their children, free from fear.

No one should live in terror for a predawn knock at the door.

And those who would make them afraid had fell tradesmen to whom they had to answer. 

That's legacy.

That's why I'm still here.

Because I believe that love is really everything, and without it, life has no meaning. It's a broad spectrum...filial love, friendship, romantic love, the love that says, I'd rather have a PowerBar with you than dinner at Sardi's with Julia Roberts.

And that is the heart of my writing, and the motivator of my soul.

I want to open your eyes to love, because Love Alone Is Worth The Fight.

I know it know...I lived to make the world safe for love.

And I am still in the fight.

If you can, please do leave a comment. I am trying to answer all, and I am failing, but please know this - I read and treasure each one.

Below are my recent releases on Kindle -please excuse their presence in the body of the blog. I haven't the energy to get them up as 'buttons' in the sidebar. You can click on the covers to go to the Amazon links (they're 99 cents each). And if you'd like a free PDF, please email me at tempusfugit02 (at) gmail (dot) com, and I'll gladly send them


  1. "Love is really everything, and without it, life has no meaning." This, and the PowerBar quote ... so great. Your effort to write and link up in the midst of such struggle is beyond commendable. Thank you for being a blessing, and for being here.

    1. Kate, thank you! And thank you from the bottom of my heart for providing the medium of FMF. It's been a literal lifesaver for me. It gives me purpose, hope, and the family I never had.

  2. Love your writing Andrew, and of course YOU! Your heart is so amazing and you are such an encouragement to all of us! Praying for you tonight and always!

    1. Marisa, this means so much...thank you. I'm sorry it has taken me awhile to reply...tough days go on...but we so appreciate your love and prayers!

  3. Love wins! Sorry you had a rough few days friend. I'm so thankful you are still here and sharing with us. Praying still. And so much THIS: "Love, plain and simple. because people, whoever they are, deserve to love, to hold hands, to wake in the morning to the sound of their children, free from fear." I'm over in the #8 spot this week.

    1. Tara, thank you. We are so grateful for your prayers, and I loved your post this week!

  4. Andrew, I'm so glad you were able to write this post. I like the Powerbar quote too. :)

    But seriously, your thoughts, your passion for giving love the opportunity to grow and thrive—both in the lives of those who lived with terror, and in the lives of those you know—are beautiful. Thanks for sharing your heart here today of all days.

    Praying continually for you, friend.

    1. Jeanne, I have no words but a Thank You that comes from the bottom of my heart.

      We really appreciate the prayers. Hard days.

  5. I love you even more knowing you're a switchfoot fan. Jon Foreman's songwriting has saved my life! So excited for the new upcoming album. (Later this year, I hope).

    Indeed, love IS worth the fight. So thankful you're still fighting. Love you, dear friend.

    1. Jordan, thank you...and I am so glad we share the love for the band. They're really the best.

      Love you too, Jordan. Thank you for being here.

  6. Love is worth the fight and it is in the loving, we are made WHOLE. ;) there, I tied it all together. #fmfparty xo

    1. Beautifully said, Susan! We're so glad you're here!
      XO and tail-wags

  7. Andrew, your strength of will and words touches me deeply. You fight for all of us by your honest example. Grateful you are able and willing to continue joining us.

    1. Thank you for this, Christina. Being here, part of this community, is both joy and privilege.

  8. Andrew,
    I'm looking forward to seeing you made "whole".
    Philippians 3:20-21
    20 But we are citizens of heaven, where the Lord Jesus Christ lives. And we are eagerly waiting for him to return as our Savior. 21 He will take our weak mortal bodies and change them into glorious bodies like his own, using the same power with which he will bring everything under his control.

    Glad you were feeling well enough to be outside after the terrible flu! Sorry for the sunburn.

    Love is your motivation-can you possibly have any doubt that Jesus called you by name?! He too wanted to set us free from fear and baggage.
    Bravo, Andrew! You are so much wiser in just one year!

    "The meaning of it all is that a threatened life is still a life, we are still gifted with values and duties and dreams.

    We are meant to hold to these, I think, and to stay in the fight without looking for relief.

    This life. The way we live it, day on day, is our legacy.

    We can choose to turn inward, bemoan our lot, declare ourselves broken and lost.

    Or we can fight to the last bullet, the last rock, the last bloodied fingernail.

    And this we shall maintain, in the Spartan strength given us by the Almighty."
    -Your post from Thursday a year ago.
    Now there is a gentleness in your strength. Bravo!

    1. Thank you for the Scripture, for my own quote(!) and most of all for your shining love and friendship.

      This means more than I can say.

  9. Beautiful video. Thanks for sharing it. We sure live in a wonderful world, and Heaven will be even better. When you do get there please send me a postcard, okay? ;-)

    1. I'm so glad you enjoyed it, Jan (I went to school in San Diego for a bit, and some of the locations are quite familiar). And I will definitely send a postcard!

      Thank you so much for being here!

  10. Jesus came to make man whole (but we work so hard to make manholes and dig into the deep and ugly). Thank you for your service of love.

    1. Anita, thank you for this comment. You said it beautifully, and touched my heart.

  11. For love of friend. I can think of no better reason to live, and to suffer. Bless you. Andrew

    1. Thank you, Norma...the things worth dying for are really the only things worth living for, as Jesus taught.

  12. I, for one --of many, am so glad that you are still in the fight! And this: "Love Alone Is Worth The Fight." So Much Amen, brother! Sorry for your sunburn... praying for you and Barbara!

    1. Karrilee, thank you! The sunburn's fading...and being Asian, I tend to be resistant to peeling. Kind of nice!

      We so appreciate your being here, and your prayers!

  13. Just dropping by to say, Hi, and let you know I'm praying for you and Barbara. You're in good company, Andrew, steady on.

    1. June, thank you. We really appreciate your being here (and please excuse my delayed reply, rough weekend).

  14. Your words, fighting on for love, are a blessing. We have a wonderful Savior for the journey each of us is on. I am glad you are continuing to write. Peace, joy and prayers.

    1. Carol, thank you...and yes, isn't He the best of companions?

      We so value your being here, and most especially the prayers.

  15. "But the greatest of these is love..." and you ARE still here, fighting and doing what it is you can you can and when you can.

    Glad to see that you are still following the FMF prompts, even if they ARE your own and done ahead of time. Not a thing wrong with that! I have abandoned it; as I cannot even get the others done that I usually writing has slowed a bit; and I need a new boost!

    Still with you and Barb; and still have you in my thoughts and prayers.

    1. Barbara, thank you. Keeping up with the writing can be hard, but this community is what gives both the daily routine and the broader 'sweep' of my life these days both focus and purpose.

      Thank you so much for the prayers. We really appreciate them.

  16. Andrew, I see the desire to reveal love and light strongly in you, as do all who read your blog. And you are living out the gospel with these words: "I want to open your eyes to love, because Love Alone Is Worth The Fight." Amen, my friend. In a nutshell. Thank you for inspiring me more than you know. I always come away deeply blessed by reading your words. You remain in my thoughts and prayers.

    1. Wow, Joy...all I can say is a deeply heartfelt Thank You. I so appreciate this gracious comment, and I'm slightly overwhelmed!

      We are super-grateful for the prayers. It's been a hard few days.

  17. Yes, indeed Love is worth the fight! Amazing how much meaning is packed into a short four-letter "common" word! Always praying, Andrew!

    1. Carrie, thank you...and yes, the depth and breadth of that word is really something!

      We truly appreciate the prayers.

  18. You are fighting for love, Andrew. And fighting for us all to understand what love looks like--especially when tested by illness and the threat of death. Thanks for being willing to be that warrior that fights for love, my friend!

    I'm so sorry to hear that you've had a fall and baked a bit in the sun! But am glad that you keep persevering through it all. I do love that Jon Foreman song. I resonate with a lot of his writing and music. Very inspiring post, dear Andrew! Prayers being lifted.

    1. I'm so glad you enjoyed the song, Beth. When I first heard it, it gave me chills...and still does.

      It took me longer than I would have liked, in this life, to realize how important love really is. In retrospect, I was a bit amazed that I'd been so dense, because everything I'd done that I considered worthwhile had been based in it. I just didn't see.

      But now I see the truth of the end of the movie "Ghost", when Patrick Swayze (with whom I share both a dreadful illness and good looks) says that it's the only thing you take with you when you leave this life.

      Thanks so much for the prayers, Beth. It was a dreadful few days.

  19. Andrew ~ This may be my most favorite post of yours. You articulate so clearly exactly how impactful Love really is. Thank you for sharing your heart in the midst of such great adversity. ~ Lisa (your FMF neighbor at #87 this week) PS - I started a new blog -
