Sunday, December 6, 2015

Your Dying Spouse 91 - Anthems

Please excuse the brevity of this post - today did not go well. Doubted I would get to write anything.

Does your life have a soundtrack?

Are there specific songs that resonate with who you are, or with what you hope to be, that you'll stop what you're doing, if at all possible, to listen to them?

If you're a caregiver for a dying spouse, I hope so. Life in this particular Shadowland can easily make one lose one's bearings, and the way that music can touch heart and spirit can provide a North Star to guide the footsteps, and calm an aching soul.

Barbara has several songs that she finds both inspiring and comforting...may I share these with you?

First, there's Amy Grant's "Better Than A Hallelujah"...

Next, Mandisa's "Overcomer"...

Also from Mandisa, "He Is With You"...

And Pharrel Williams' "Happy"...

I think that's a pretty good selection.

And what about me? Hard to say; they do change, but the most heartening is actually a movie clip, from Kenneth Brannagh's Henry V. It's the speech on the eve of Agincourt; Scott Hamilton used the music to accompany his figure-skating performance in the 1992 Winter Olympics...

What about you? Where do you turn for musical inspiration in troubled times?

If you can.please do leave a comment. I am trying to answer all, and I am failing, but please know this - I read and treasure each one.

Below are my recent releases on Kindle -please excuse their presence in the body of the blog. I haven't the energy to get them up as 'buttons' in the sidebar. You can click on the covers to go to the Amazon links (they're 99 cents each). And if you'd like a free PDF, please email me at tempusfugit02 (at) gmail (dot) com, and I'll gladly send them


  1. Musical inspiration! Thanks, Andrew!

  2. Mandisa's Overcomer has been a hope-filled lifeline in our family ...

    1. It's a great song, Linda. I am so glad it struck a chord in your heart, and those of your family.

  3. I love each of the songs/anthems that are some of Barbara's faves; the fact is, I was not familiar with "He is with you" and listened to it as tears rolled down my's the perfect one for us both, as caregivers! I think mine would be - at least now - Casting Crowns "Praise you in this Storm" and "Just Be Held"; "Through All of It" by Colton Dixon; and there are more that sit with me at different times.

    Thank you for sharing; prayers continue as you are in this rough time...

    1. The songs you listed are great - I should have added "Just Hold Me" for Barbara.

      I also like For King And Country's "Shoulders", Flatfoot 56's "Warriors". and Project 86's "Fall Goliath Fall".

      Thank you so much for the prayers, Barbara.

  4. Great list! It's hard for me to pick just one. My Lighthouse by Rend Collective Experiment is one of my anthems though.

    1. Oh, Tara, I love "The Lighthouse"! And The B has a positive thing for them (the real ones, tall, with, like, lights).

  5. My anthem songs are non-traditionally inspirational... ;P

    Titanium --
    Radioactive -
    Come to Jesus -

    I wouldn't call these two "anthem" songs, but they are SO powerful:
    Pilot Speed's Barely Listening
    Johnny Cash's Hurt

    The Mandisa song Overcomer is great! I hadn't heard her before... thanks for sharing!

    Praying for you!

    1. Sarah, these are great them, and thank you for sharing.

      Another I'd add is Three Doors Down's "Kryptonite". Nontrad, but I love it.

      And thank you so much for the prayers!

  6. I don't listen to music very often, but when I do the old hymns are usually where I turn. Be Thou My Vision is my all time favorite. Thanks for sharing Barbara's favorites. I'll have a listen! Handel's Messiah is on the player now . . . and thoughts and prayers for you both are being lifted.

    1. Barbara likes the old hymns too, and can sing along in a lovely voice. I fortunately don't know the words...for when I try to sing it sounds like I am ordering the sacking of a city.

      Once had a preacher stop the music and point at me, saying, "YOU...stop!"

      The prayers are so appreciated right now!

  7. Andrew,
    oh my friend, I am so sorry for the difficulty right now. Truly you have been on my mind often. Barbara too.
    "Anchor" by Hillsong has been a balm:
    "Holy Spirit" recorded by Francesca Battistelli also lifts me lately. It helps me to focus on God when I'm weary.

    An album I think you might like was "The Eleventh Hour" by Jars of Clay. More for you than for Barbara. It has a track called "Fly". As I recall, the backstory was tragic, similar to "I can only imagine" by Mercy Me.
    Anyway, one of my favorite albums. Maybe some fresh music for your ears.

    Blessings and prayers for you this week, friend. And, the strains of Silent Night are lingering in my ears as I pray for you. Sleep in heavenly peace. May you and Barbara both have peace as you sleep tonight.

    1. Those are really wonderful songs, Tammy...thank you for sharing them, and I will get the JOC album. I like them a lot, especially "Fall Asleep" you know it? Has the weirdest video, but it's a nice melody.

      Thank you so much for the prayers. As I write this I feel like I'm trying to move my upper abdomen off a spike that's impaled me...and failing. Not a WHOLE lot of fun.

      But it's still good to be alive.

  8. Andrew, what a great list. "Overcomer" has spoken to my heart over and over. This was my first time hearing "He Is With You." What an inspirational song!

    I guess some of the songs that strengthen me/have been instrumental in my life would include: "Oceans," by Hillsong, "Brave," by Nichole Nordeman, and a recent one, "It Is Well," sung by Kristene DeMarco, with Bethel Music. There are others, but my brain's not recalling them this moment. :)
    Praying for you today, friend.

  9. Andrew - Great film clip!
    I have a huge collection of music, very eclectic. It can lift me, calm me, and take me before God. And of course, plenty of fun!

  10. "Believe" by Trans-Siberian Orchestra and quite a few by Toby Mac

  11. "Believe" by Trans-Siberian Orchestra and quite a few by Toby Mac
