Thursday, April 23, 2015

Sniper's Hide (Five Minute Friday)

The overwatch position from which a scout-sniper practices his trade is called a 'hide', and that's the keyword for today's Five Minute Friday, hosted by Kate Motaung (


The job is not glamorous, not when your hide's in a ditch that, like most ditches in this part of the world, is partially filled with stuff you'd rather not think about. But if your cover - local vegetation stuck into a hessian smock, and liberally dosed with dirt - is good, you're likely to be left alone. The locals don't like ditches either.

Hard to avoid thinking about what's there, though, because you're lying in it. But eventually you learn to switch off your nose. Yes, really, but you hope your inoculation record's complete.

And you watch, and record, and wait, because the biggest part of the job is reconnaissance.

I learned a lot in places like that. It's helping me now.

Sometimes you have to wait in places you'd rather not be, with an alert and receptive spirit.

You have to be in the discomfort of the moment, and you have to be there without resentment. Not because there's a big payoff coming, but because that I where you're placed.

Mental escape is tempting, but wrong. It's a form of disloyalty.

You wait, and in that waiting you give honour to your place, and to He who placed you there.



  1. Wow! You blew me away here. I'm new to FMF...and not so good at it. But you gave me so much to chew on in those five minutes of sharing your gift. Sometimes you have to wait in places you'd rather not be! That is for sure. You painted a vivid picture and what a connection to the places and seasons of life we find ourselves in. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Andrew, another great post. "sometimes you have to wait in aces you would rather not be." Oh so true! Yet God is with us in those places. Still praying for you!

  3. Andrew, this post spoke to me. I've only ever read of the places like what you described in the physical. But in those uncomfortable places you mentioned? I've been in a few of those.

    These words, they spoke to me deeply: "Sometimes you have to wait in places you'd rather not be, with an alert and receptive spirit.

    You have to be in the discomfort of the moment, and you have to be there without resentment. Not because there's a big payoff coming, but because that I where you're placed."

    Such truth in them. Thank you for sharing so faithfully from your uncomfortable space. You are living well.

  4. Amen, my friend. Courage to patiently wait and report to the Master--that's a skill that I often lack. Thank you for the reminder that no matter how much my life 'stinks', God has me where he needs me.

  5. He's hiding there with you, Andrew. Keeping you safe, protecting your soul.

    Praying ...

  6. Oh, Andrew! You continue to touch me with your beautiful writing! I can relate to the "places you'd rather not be" also; and to "be in the discomfort of the moment...without resentment"! God is truly using your words today, my friend!! I DO resent where I am sometimes; yet...HE is the only one who knows why I am here and what the plan is for myself (and my husband)...

    Thank you for sharing your heart and soul!

  7. This is so vivid, such a strong life-lesson... cos you're living it even now. Guarding our attitude from disgust or resentment about our circumstances... so tough, so necessary. Thanks again for your powerful words.
