Thursday, March 26, 2015

Can't Break Me {Five Minute Friday}

Time for Five-Minute Friday , hosted by Kate Motaung. The challenge is to write for five minutes on a given "theme word", posted by Kate on Thursday night...and then stop when the timer dings.

Today's word is BREAK.


Those who have been following this blog, and some of my comments on the blogs written by others, know that I had a bad setback in my (terminal) illness, and I'm in deep, deep trouble.

But it can't break me.

That's not bravado, or at least, I don't think it is. The thing is, this monster has already taken me through Hell. Not just the suburbs; we've been right downtown.

And I know what the future may hold, if the prognosticators are correct when they're reading their goat entrails. It's going to hurt, it's going to be bad, and it's going to be something I'd really, really rather avoid.

Well, so what? Everyone dies. Jesus died on the Cross, and yes, He DID try to get out of that bummer of a deal.

His body was 'broken'; but that's just a word; he was really, really trashed. His Spirit, his Heart of Fortitude...ah, that;'s something else again.

he still had the presence and the compassion to tell one of the dudes who was fated to die with Him that they'd be together, in Heaven, after the current unpleasantness was over.

He was thinking of someone else's heart. Not something a broken Man would do.

So if I walk the walk, and want to be like Jesus...this will not break me.

I'll keep that heart of compassion, that will to courtesy, sportsmanship, and fair play, even though Hell overwhelms me.

I'll remain a gentleman to the end, because I have an example to follow. He 'broke' the trail. All I have to do is keep my head down, and walk.

If He could do it, so can I?


Or is that what we're SUPPOSED to be, as Christians?

Unbroken, even through death, and whole into New Life



  1. Andrew, my brother. This... I'm honestly shaking my head. You are a picture of Romans 5:3-5 - "not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope. Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us."

    Your faith blesses me. I pray that our Lord graces you with waves of comfort tonight.

    1. Marie, thank you so much...physically the night was rough, but my heart's OK with that. Another dawn, another battle, and win or lose...I can never REALLY love!

  2. I'm speechless at this one, Andrew. May God's grace overwhelm you and grant you your heart's desire - to be like Him through thick and thin.

    1. Thank you, Ruth. Sometimes His grace is like a warm breeze. Sometimes it's like a rugby tackle from my blind side.

      Either way, He disposes, and I'll take the grace, calm or bloody.

  3. Oh Andrew! My heart breaks for you. But I'm clinging to your words. Clinging to hope. Prayers for comfort and healing.

    1. No need for heartbreak, Tara. Think of Macaulay's words -

      "Then up spoke brave Horatius,
      the Captain of the Gate,
      "To every man upon this earth,
      death cometh soon or late,
      and how can a man die better
      than in facing fearful odds
      for the ashes of his fathers
      and the temples of his gods?"

      The odds against are high, but the battle is an exultation. The enemy is in the open, and this is the moment I was bred for, the ultimate fight to the death.

      And if I can document it, maybe others will see that it's not really so frightening, and that even when our Calvary is chosen for us, we can still make such an end as to be worthy of remembrance.

  4. Why is fearless confidence in who we are in Christ considered arrogance by so many? I think it is awesome! My heart goes out to you in your set-back - but I hope that my sons when beset by little and big challenges will handle them with your determination - your fearless confidence - and your fight! Praying for you - and maybe, just maybe, we all need to read words wrong sometimes because we need a good laugh! I hope you had a good laugh tonight! Praying for God's Shalom in your challenge!

    1. Thank you so much! I think part of what's considered arrogance is the misreading of the call to humility. We're not supposed to be boastful, because that's just whistling in the dark

      We're supposed to be quietly confident, 'professionals' in our faith, sure of our ability to put our hearts into action.

  5. Your hope and perseverance is a Godly example of the Sprit alive in you! Keep pressing on toward the goal with your hope in HIM! Prayers as you walk the walk!

    1. Thanks, Jamie! No fear...He's with me, and we are facing this thing together, back to back, like in a really good bar fight.

      I like that - me and Jesus, swinging chairs and breaking bottles.

  6. Remember when you told me I was a rock star? Well, you my friend, absolutely are! I can't imagine experiencing what you're going through, but you are such a wonderful example of how to persevere in your circumstances.

    1. Well, Liz, OK...I'll be your opening act! Crank the amps, and let's let rip.

      And...thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

  7. Oh, brother, I'm so sorry you have to suffer. Thank you so much for sharing your insights with us and no, it's not arrogant to think that you can 'be a gentleman' through the suffering. You have a Savior who loves you and promises to strengthen you each step of the way. That's your superpower.

    1. Thanks...but don't be too sorry for me, please. I can face this thing down, and when I fall, I'm always still getting up.

      I'd say my eyes are on "the prize", but they're not, really. they are in the moment of working WITH God, to win through each step, each hammer-blow.

      And that...being colleagues with The kind of way past way cool. If that makes sense.

  8. Andrew, I love this post. And your heart to be like Jesus. You're so right, He set the example. When I see how you've weathered the illness struggles, you are inspiring. Thank you for the reminder to set my eyes on Jesus and emulate His example. In Him we can do all things.

    Continuing to pray for you my friend.

    1. Thanks, Jeanne.

      Yeah, He does set a pretty good example...but He's GOD, He's SUPPOSED to do that.


  9. Arrogrant? I certainly do NOT think so...Brave, courageous, faithful, loyal, determined...I think these are a few of the words I'd use to describe persevere; you are determined to be like Him - and one day, you will join Him in our heavenly home.

    I continue to hold you in my heart and prayers for you daily, brother in Christ, and my friend! Hold onto His truths...

  10. Unbroken--that's you, Andrew. You go, brother! We're behind you all the way as you walk this journey. None of us know what our bodies will do in the future, but you've been a great example of how to deal with our minds.

    1. Lisa, thank can see a lot further when standing on the shoulders of giants, and as you can see from the comments here...I have all you wonderful giants around me.

      Truly, I'm blessed.

  11. Andrew, I love this post. Your heart to be like Jesus shines through your words. Yes It is Him that sets the example. Learning more about you and how you have walked this path is truely encouraging and inspiring. Thank you for reminding me to focus on Him and His example.
    Continuing to pray for you my friend.

    1. Thanks you so much, Amy. Your words and the kindness that illuminates them has brightened my day.

  12. You challenge me Andrew. My aches and pains are so insignificant! I wonder if I could be half the man you are in the same situation.. and I pray I never get to find out!
    Also praying for you daily.

  13. Andrew, You are a role model and an inspiration to me. Prayers of comfort and joy to you and your wife in the midst of this storm.

  14. I was diagnose with human papilloma virus (HPV) 4 years ago and i met a doctor he told me there is no cure and i have be taking some medication the warts multiplied when trying to removed them and it got me embarrass and pains, luckily few weeks ago i was recommend to Dr Onokun for natural treatment after one week i got 100% cure and all the wart and pains got disappeared, i sheared this post because its part of my life experience, encase anyone need speedy help about this cure email Dr Onokun via,
