Thursday, December 11, 2014

Prepare To Meet Thy God - Five Minute Friday


It's Five-Minute Friday, hosted by Kate Montaug. The challenge is to write for five minutes on a given "theme word", posted by Kate on Thursday night...and then stop when the timer dings.

For me, it's going to take longer; and I will write less. Still recovering, and it is the best I can do, and I ask your pardon for the awkwardness.

Today's word is prepare.


Prepare to meet God...but if He doesn't show, say hello to your spouse instead.

Same difference.

Before your eyebrows raise so high they get caught in your bangs, remember this - marriage is a sacrament,

That means that functionally,it reflects, or is supposed to reflect your relationship with the Almighty.

So, you're supposed to treat your spouse like you;d treat God. or, to make it a bit more human, there should be no difference in your demeanour if your talking to your husband or wife, and Jesus walks in and sits down at the dinner table.

Scary, eh?

It means that you have to treat your spouse with respect, courtesy, and...reverence.The last is kind of hard to do when faced with morning breath, I know. But according to the rules, the ones in the Bible and the ones we agreed to before our smate, our friends, the community, God, and our's a must. Period. Full stop.

But there's a flip side, and that is that it may redefine how we think we're supposed to see God. Not as a stern authoritarian Judge, not even as Daddy (still an authority), but as an intimate. Someone with whom we can joke around, someone with whom we can be ourselves without fear of judgement.

This is not a God of Our Sunday Best.

This is an Everyday God.


If you have the chance, please stop by my other blog, "Starting The Day With Grace", at


  1. I am your neighbor from FMF. Thank you for what you wrote today. I, too, feel the same about marriage.

    1. Paula, thank you for being here. You are in my prayers.

  2. Thank you for bringing up some new ideas for me, Andrew. Our spouses certainly see us at our best and at our worst--to be vulnerable with God is just as important.

    1. Thank you for stopping by - and you're right, we do have to be vulnerable with God...I wonder sometimes if we make too much of the "King" model, which makes us want to be our best?

  3. I loved this post, Andrew. You made me smile and think. A great combination. And thank you for the reminders—both to love my spouse well, and to remember that our God is an EVERY DAY God. He wants us to be real with Him, not all dressed up and hiding our hurts, fears, and failings. Such great truths! PS--This is Jeanne Takenaka, Blogger wouldn't let me comment as "me." :)

    1. jeanne, thank you for taking the time to find a way to comment! Blogger can be weird that way.

      It can be so hard to be real with God! We want to live up to what we think He wants FROM us...and we pass by the truth that what he really wants - is US.

  4. Andrew, You always put a smile on my face. Today was no exception. Very well done on what it means to reflect Christ in our marriage and how it should look. This will be new for many who have grown up with religion. It was for me many years ago.

    1. Thanks, Kim!

      Reflecting Christ is hard sometimes, but the rewards are great, knowing that we're doing what we're supposed to be doing.

  5. I just posted, but I don't know if it went through. I wanted to tell you about a new link up on Tuesday's: Hope you can join us!

  6. "This is not a God of Our Sunday Best.

    This is an Everyday God."

    Yes! This is the intimate Christ who I want to know more and more every day! And what a beautiful twist to remind us that our spouses are part of that!

    Thank you for this inspiration and for linking up with Inspire Me Monday today!

    1. Thank you so much. It was a pleasure to find your blog, and Inspire Me Monday. I am honored to participate.

  7. I grew up with a mom who definitely had a 'company voice' that my brother and I used to laugh at. But how real is it for most of us? Treat our spouse as if God is in the room and treat God as real as our spouse - great thoughts!

    1. I had to laugh when I read "company voice" - I grew up in the same kind of household, and sometimes saw the voice change within seconds.

      Thank you for stopping by!

  8. Thank you for your words. I totally agree that God is an everyday God not a Sunday God. We should treat our spouse the same even when no especially when we do not want too.

    1. Brandi, thank you!

      It can be so hard not to let the "familiarity that breeds contempt" into our marriage relationship....I think most of us really have to work at it.

  9. Thank you for the reminder of the importance of the sacrament of marriage. God is first and at the center in the marriage and the husband and wife should follow His lead. have a blessed Christmas.

    1. Absolutely. You said it perfectly.

      Have a wonderful Christmas!
