Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Evangelical Fails (Tell His Story)

 Please, dear Lord, just let us rest
as this brand new year begins.
Please don't send another test
to remind us of our sins,
of how we stood while others turned
away from Love and Grace.
Our shuttered hearts should well have burned
resolute, that they might see your face.
We fear, I think what we'd be called
when You call us to evangelize,
and I believe You are appalled,
and golden tears form in Your eyes
to fall upon Heaven's bright street 
where His hope and despair meet.

Sylvia wags her tail in agreement, but then, she never shies away from encouragement, especially where ice cream's concerned.


  1. So grateful for God's hopeful perseverance and that he never gives up on me!

  2. He is the epitome of Love and Grace, Andrew.

  3. Praying you know God's presence and blessing in 2025, Andrew!
