Thursday, November 5, 2015

Your Dying Spouse 79 - Dancing with Jesus and Rambo {FMF}

Time for Five Minute Friday, hosted by the wonderful and gracious Kate Motaung. It's a key-word-driven timed writing challenge, and this week's word...which I had a hand in helping to choose, through Kate's kindness, is DANCE. (And we are also linked with Weekend Whispers.)

And thus, now starts the music...

Dying sucks, and things are going from bad to downright awful...last week I had to comfort a crying doctor when he had to deliver yet more bad tidings.

That was weird.

One may choose to despair, and move through each day with sorrow.

Or one may decide to live my One Word for 2016...harken to the drum roll...


It may seem is gone (no, duh?), academic career is over and novel-writing career is a failure, went through Chapter 7 bankruptcy, and a very important relationship is fundamentally me, for the worse, though it will endure.

I think that's a good recipe for despair, don't you?

But we have another road, and that road comes with an example, courtesy Sidney Carter and Someone Else...

I danced in the morning when the world was begun
I danced in the Moon & the Stars & the Sun
I came down from Heaven & I danced on Earth
At Bethlehem I had my birth:

Dance then, wherever you may be
I am the Lord of the Dance, said He!
And I'll lead you all, wherever you may be
And I'll lead you all in the Dance, said He!
(...lead you all in the Dance, said He!)

I danced for the scribe & the pharisee
But they would not dance & they wouldn't follow me
I danced for fishermen, for James & John
They came with me & the Dance went on:

Dance then, wherever you may be
I am the Lord of the Dance, said He!
And I'll lead you all, wherever you may be
And I'll lead you all in the Dance, said He!
(...lead you all in the Dance, said He!)

I danced on the Sabbath & I cured the lame
The holy people said it was a shame!
They whipped & they stripped & they hung me high
And they left me there on a cross to die!

Dance then, wherever you may be
I am the Lord of the Dance, said He!
And I'll lead you all, wherever you may be
And I'll lead you all in the Dance, said He!
(...lead you all in the Dance, said He!)

I danced on a Friday when the sky turned black
It's hard to dance with the devil on your back
They buried my body & they thought I'd gone
But I am the Dance & I still go on!

Dance then, wherever you may be
I am the Lord of the Dance, said He!
And I'll lead you all, wherever you may be
And I'll lead you all in the Dance, said He!
(...lead you all in the Dance, said He!)

They cut me down and I leapt up high
I am the Life that'll never, never die!
I'll live in you if you'll live in Me -
I am the Lord of the Dance, said He!

Dance then, wherever you may be
I am the Lord of the Dance, said He!
And I'll lead you all, wherever you may be
And I'll lead you all in the Dance, said He!

It's all about choice, and the choice in the moment can be dirge or dance.

As Sylvester Stallone said in the latest Rambo film, Live for nothing, or die for something. Your call." (By the bye, Rambo has a very strong Christian message; in the first few seconds of the clip, note the cross hanging from a bracelet on Stallone's wrist.)

In the movie, the call was to choose Right, even though that way might lie death.

And it's the same thing for me. The right thing to do is to encourage, and to try to kindle and fan the hope that life is still worth living, and that there's good that might be done even unto an unpleasant death, an end presaged by weakness and humiliation. (Incontinence, anyone?)

The right thing to do is to keep reaching out, and to pass the torch of hope, faith, and love.

The torch that can be passed only in a dance.

So join me, won't you?

Come along, and dance with me and Rambo and Jesus.

The words stop here, but the music and the dance go on.

Here's Beth Cassidy singing Lord of the Dance -

Again, your comments mean the world to me, and I will do my best to reply quickly, and to visit your posts in return...I want to do this, very much, because I love you all.

But sometimes I can't. 

I will try, though.

You guys matter.


  1. Beautiful <3

    visiting from FMF --- Sarah Jo

    1. Thank you so much, Sarah Jo! I truly appreciate your visits, and your comments.

  2. Wonderful. I love the image of dancing with Jesus-- makes Him seem like a fun person. I love that. I love to dance, and try to step in motion to whatever dance life is throwing my way.

    No FMF post from me tonight (but tomorrow) as I had another post to write tonight that's already on the blog. :)

    Love and prayers continue for you, friend. Don't worry about us. We're thankful for you!

    1. I firmly believe that Jesus is a LOT of fun to be around, that He can party so hard that He makes my rugby-party-footprints-on-the-ceiling-horses-in-the-ballroom-motorcycle-races-up-the-grand-staircase seem tame by comparison.

      I will try to stop by your place today, and I am so thankful for your love, support, and prayers.

  3. Beautifully written!! Praying for you!!

    visiting from fmf party I'm parked at number three this week

    1. Miranda, thank you! I truly appreciate the prayers; could not make it through without them.

      Prayers are like arms linked to make a bridge across the abyss, a safe path to God.

  4. Beautiful! The poem portrays the most stunning images of dancing with God. I found the words to be comforting. Your words tonight mean so much and I am joining you in the dance with Jesus and Rambo!

    1. Thank you for joining us, Mary...on the blog, and in the dance!

      I've always loved 'Lord of the Dance"; I discovered it when I read Andrew Greeley's novel of the same name. I hope you'll have a look at it...and Rambo's doppelganger makes an appearance there!

  5. I'll dance with ya Andrew!!! SnOoPyDaNcE!!! 2016! One can never despair when one dances! And one has to smile when one writes SnOoPyDaNcE!!!

    In agreement with Jordan! No worries for us, prayers and love for you friend

    In the #4 spot this week.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. I know nothing about Russian dance but Pasadoble is the dance of the bullfighter and Cape. It was the first dance I did with my first partner as an exhibition in my early instructor days. He died of AIDS a few years later. Pasa has a special place in my heart. You and me dude.

    3. Christy, yes...BIG smile in writing SnOoPyDaNcE!

      I never danced the Pasadoble; but I've seen it, and it's a lovely, thrilling dance to watch. I am so sorry for the loss of your first partner, and very much appreciate the Youtube link.

      And thank you o much for the prayers. Bit of a tough morning, but the love and support that flows from your comment, and all the others, strengthens me more than I can say.

  6. You never cease to bring tears to my eyes. Praying for you now and always and for all of us who happen to love you. Weird how we never would have "met" had you not became ill.. weird to us anyway, planned by God, the great author of this song and dance called life! Love you dear friend...

    1. Marisa, thank you. Words fail me here, to express my gratitude for your love, support, and prayers.

      Interesting bit of serendipity...I was just thinking, this morning, how much this illness has enriched my life through the wonderful people I've met, and how these friends...these dear, lovely friends - have strengthened my face.

      If God would grant me the option of having the illness erased, I would decline, because I am, finally, in the place where I can see Heaven, and hear the music.Who would ever trade that?

      And I love you, too, Marisa. I would not have missed this meeting for the world.

  7. Great dance songs. Oh and how do I love a good SnOoPyDaNcE!! And yes we do have choices. I'm preaching this weekend and the test is Elijah confronting the prophets of Baal. Will they choose Baal or the one true God? God is the one who wins! It got me thinking though about the choices we make that are wrong; turning to other idols etc. I'd much rather choose to dance than despair. Prayers and love to you, dear brother in Christ. I'm parked in the #6 spot.

    1. Interesting sermon you're doing, Tara. I'd love to read it, if you might care to send it to me? Email is tempusfugit02 (at) gmail (dot) com.

      It's all about choice, and in the end the choices with which we're presented all circle down tothe one true choice, that we have to make every moment...choose God, or reject Him?

      I choose Him, always imperfectly, sometimes wrongheadedly, but always dancing!

      Thank you so much for the love, support, and prayers. They make a huge difference.

  8. Andrew, I LOVE The Lord of the Dance. My parents used to play it for us on RECORDS, of all things. :) I used to have it memorized. And how fitting to share it here. Tonight.

    I love the way you're looking beyond the situation you're in and to how you can "dance" with others with words and music. And this line? "The right thing to do is to keep reaching out, and to pass the torch of hope, faith, and love." Yes, that's it.

    Praying for you, friend.

    1. Records!

      It's a song that has always spoken to me, as well.

      Thank you so much for your presence here, Jeanne, and the support and prayers. The love of friends is what gets me through each day...for such is the Kingdom!

  9. Every season has its dance--and every dance with Jesus is just right. Praying for you, my friend!

    1. Yes, Anita...and indeed, Jesus is the Man for ALL seasons!

      Thank you so much for the prayers!

  10. Andrew,
    I'm so glad you can give life with each breath. I'll post a dance song in my post-one that really has lifted my soul for at least three years now. Your lyrics were so wonderful! Although, the "Lord of the Dance" had me thinking of a PBS special I watched with my parents that was mesmerizing but not as spiritual. (Riverdance is captivating!)

    And, you are choosing to spread love instead of bitterness. God will take that offering and fan its aroma for years to come. It reminds me of Corrie Ten Boom, Andrew. And we are Corrie, and you are Betty. And I don't want you to be Betty, because it means that you won't be here forever. But, I admire Betty. Her faithfulness in suffering. Her consistent love when there is so much room to hate.
    I'm so blessed for having read your book, Andrew. I hope everybody will get a chance to read it. I want to give it a proper review.
    Here's a small passage of Corrie's book that I hope helps you sleep peacefully tonight.
    “At last we heard Father's footsteps winding up the stairs. It was the best moment in every day, when he came up to tuck us in. We never fell asleep until he had arranged the blankets in his special way and laid his hand for a moment on each head. Then we tried not to move even a toe.

    But that night as he stepped through the door I burst into tears. "I need you!" I sobbed. "You can't die! You can't!"

    Father sat down on the edge of the narrow bed. "Corrie," he began gently, "when you and I go to Amsterdam, when do I give you your ticket?" I sniffed a few times, considering this. "Why, just before we get on the train."

    "Exactly. And our wise Father in Heaven knows when we're going to need things too. Don't run out ahead of Him, Corrie. When the time comes that some of us will have to die, you will look into your heart and find the strength you need--just in time.”
    ― Corrie ten Boom, The Hiding Place

    1. I did read the passage from The Hiding Place before retiring, Tammy...I was not feeling well enough to respond then.

      I am honoured to be Betty. And I may not be here forever, but I will BE forever, because my soul is safe, and I will be waiting for you, my friend.

      I loved the dance videos you chose...especially "I Hope You Dance", because it brought hope in a very unpleasant time in my life. I have always been thankful to Lee Ann Womack for recording it, and I am thankful to you, for posting it.

      You mean the world to me, Tammy. I am so glad we met.

  11. You are such an encouragement. Thank you.

    1. Michelle, thank YOU. The readers and commenters here are vital to me; it takes time for me to respond, but the depth of my appreciation for your being here is something I can never fully express, except to say...

      Thank you, with all my heart.

  12. Dancing with you Andrew today and praying with you toooo.

    1. Enjoying the dance with you, Deborah, and appreciating the prayers!

  13. Dancing with you Andrew today and praying with you toooo.

  14. I've missed you Andrew as I stayed away in October writing31days! Today I referenced Zephaniah 3.17 - God dances over us - He is my dance partner for life, because of Jesus. Love the poem. I feel meloncoly today - I want to dance. Much love to you and so many prayers. xo

    1. I'm sorry for the melancholy, let's DANCE! How about David Lee Roth, and "Jump!"?

      Much love to you, Susan; your love, support and prayers have meant and do mean more than I can possibly express.

  15. Beautiful, Andrew! To think that one day we will all be on God's great dance floor! Praying for you today!

    1. Reminds me of that song by Martin Smith...I think..."I come alive...on God's Great Dance Floor!"

      Thank you for that, Joanne, and thank you so much for the prayers, for they are by far the biggest part of that which sustains me now.

  16. That's so true... we have to keep choosing to dance. Keep moving forward and trusting the Lord of the dance! Happy Friday to you! (Stopping by from FMF spot #42)

    1. Seeing all my friends, here...Rachel, Friday could not be better!

      And I choose to dance...NOW!

  17. Our choice. Beautiful clip, Andrew. Glad you posted it here. You're still dancing among us. And you do know this, right?---that even when you can't get around to visiting us individually, we still feel your spirit with us. You've made your mark in our hearts.

    1. Oh, Lisa, you have brought a certain mistiness to my eyes. I am so Lou Gehrig, I am the luckiest man alive.

  18. Great words, my friend. Awe-inspiring words. Love the movie clip, too. I'm with you... dancing with you, Rambo and Jesus. Thank you for reminding me it's a choice. And I'm praying for you daily. God is still using you... using you mightily. I'm glad you're my friend.

    1. Julie, I am so grateful for your friendship. When I came across your blog, I felt like I had rediscovered an old friend...hearing you speak, through your writing, was like a conversation continued from a beloved past, brought to life again.

      Thank you for joining in the dance, Julie. Thank you so very, very much.

  19. Great words, my friend. Awe-inspiring words. Love the movie clip, too. I'm with you... dancing with you, Rambo and Jesus. Thank you for reminding me it's a choice. And I'm praying for you daily. God is still using you... using you mightily. I'm glad you're my friend.

  20. Hi Andrew. I don't know you or your story and I randomly stumbled across FMF today on a friend's blog which I had never heard of, so I looked it up to see what it was, and it led me to you.....that being said, THANK YOU friend. You are amazing. I don't know your illness story but I can so feel your pain. I've been ill for 8 years (I won't go into detail because I don't want to make this comment about me). But I just want to say from the bottom of my heart, I understand and you. are. so. incredibly. amazing. I understand every hospital stick, every inpatient stay, surgery, blood test, and symptoms. I understand what it's like when the whole world goes on with life without you -- and here you are, sick, alone, and forgotten. It isn't fair. But you are such a bright shining light for Jesus -- I see His love and light in you. Thank you for fighting. Thank you for reminding me of hope and the reminder that even if everything else is beyond my control, the choice to hope is mine. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Praying for you today, friend. Keep shining His light! <3

    1. Dani, I will admit that when I read your comment, I wept. For your kindness, and for what you've had to endure.

      I hope that one day if you're comfortable, you'll share your experience, because this is about US, and the way our hearts are lit, in spite of our afflictions, by Jesus' love.

      I will keep shining His light Dani, and I will keep you in my prayers. You're precious to Him, and you are precious to me.

  21. It is my pleasure to accept your invitation to dance with Jesus, Rambo and you. I love the music and the video clip. Keep passing the torch Andrew, the world needs you. God bless you.

    1. Michele, thank you so very, very much. I always look forward to your visits, and the lovely, loving heart that lights these moments.

      I'm glad we have met.

  22. A monk was walking on the monastery south road when some words were said to him in the quiet way in which God speaks. The words were in the form of a song (he was the monk in charge of the choir/chanting at the monastery). Quote: "I don't hear it physically, but I heard a beautiful song. It was just a phrase. For years I couldn't even say it to anybody else because I would get choked up with it, you know, and tears would come down. But it was 'Come Little Children, Dance with Me.' And it came out in music. I can't sing it for you because even now I would get choked up if I did. But I felt that was God talking to the human race: 'Come Little Children, Dance with Me.' And if you think about that, that is so beautiful ... I thought of people dying and they're going to dance with God, you know. Wow! ...And as I said, boy, I just cried and cried and cried. And every time I would sing it I would it I would cry, you know, and I just couldn't tell anybody that until several years later." Brother Paul Bernard, Abbey of New Clairvaux. "Orchards of Perseverance" by David Perata. This was in an interview with David Perata.

    I like to think on his words, they soften my heart when I am agitated. You post made me think of "Come little children, Dance with me. Bless you, Andrew

    1. Norma, thank you for this, and for the reminder of that lovely, lovely song.

      I so appreciate your presence here, and the thought you put into your comments.

      Your friendship is so very important to me.

  23. Well, with a title like that, I had to read the post! : )
    You're right, Andrew, about choosing the SnoopyDance.
    I am inspired by your example and embarrassed by my own small complaints. Blessings to you--may you sleep well tonight and have a peaceful weekend.

    1. Constance, please, never be embarrassed abut the things in life that hurt you, however small they may seem when compared to the situation of someone else.

      It's all context; I am IN this, and in a way I was born to it. And given the opportunity for this platform...I would not trade it for a restoration of health. I've learned too much, found too much love, to let it go.

      Thank you so much for visiting me tonight; I truly appreciate your presence.

      I like you, Constance. A lot. You make the world a better place, with your courage and your transparency and your faith.

      And the love you share.

  24. You always provide such hope amid circumstances that would take most people down. Love your word for the year - and love this song. Brought back memories of singing it in youth group. But even more special in this context!

    1. Thank you so much, Kathryn! I love that song, too. I first heard of it when I read Andrew Greeley's novel "Lord of the Dance" in the 80s, and it's been on replay in my mind ever since.

      Thank you for being here - I appreciate you!

  25. Oh, you are a much braver person than me. To see through the despair, heartache and life disappointments and choose the upside. I marvel at your words. May God be with you, Andrew.

    1. Carrie, I'm sure you are very brave...and I'm not really that brave. The Almighty gives me the strength to meet each moment. Like manna for the Israelites, it's sufficient for the day, and thatis really all I ask.

      Thank you so much for being here!

  26. I so admire you, Andrew, the choices you're making and the hope you inspire in everyone who visits here. I know your strength comes from God. That is what makes you the bright, shining light that you are. I know you know this. I'm certain that the enemy visits you daily, tempting you to make different choices. It's likely you fail at times, as we all do. But overall, you are winning this race. You will collect the prize and those of us privileged to know you will add your name to the great cloud of witnesses, those who have encouraged and grown our faith. May God comfort you in a unique way today, Andrew, may He give you peace.

    1. June, thank you so much! Yes, you're right - there is sometimes a temptation to give up, but there is always a strong Hand offered, to carry me through.

      Or, I have to say, the offer of a strong Sandal up the backside. he still has work for me to do, and He is quite clear about my duties. He knows me well; He knows that this is a good way to reach me!

      I do feel like a winner; I would not change a thing, because I've been so privileged to finally understand the God that made me...well, at least a little better. But that knowing could only be bought on the far side of a metaphorical river of blood.

      Better to die in God's service, than to live in service to the world. "Live for nothing, or die for something."

      Thank you so much for being here!

  27. Oh Andrew!

    You had me at Snoopy dance! I still hear the song "Suppertime" in my head - and I do a happy dance in my seat almost every time I get to eat yummy food (which for me, is every time I eat... hmmm....) I'm thrilled to see you still kicking - and writing. I can't imagine the effort it takes to reach out to this community week after week - but I'm so glad you do and keep praying that you continue to be able...

    Oh! And 'Lord of the Dance' brought back some wonderful memories of singing in youth choir way back in the uh-oh's! Sweet memories.

    Gentle hugs, Andrew, for you and Barbara - and imaginary doggie treats for those fur-angels of yours!

  28. "But I am the Dance & I still go on!" Wonderful post, Andrew...a while back, I wrote a post and talked about "Dancing in the Rain"; you offered to join me, and now, I return that offer and will Dance with you and Rambo and Jesus! Such an uplifting, encouraging post, Andrew; proud of your insights and your continuing to "look up"!

    Thank you many times! Thinking of you and Barbara and your "sidekicks" and your doctor(s) and...on and on, Andrew!

  29. Love, love, love this post, Andrew! And that poem is so encouraging to all of us, even if we are not walking through the valley of death as you are. But I'm so glad to know that you continually avert your eyes from the despairs of life to the dance that Jesus is doing with you. I think you and Jesus have some pretty amazing dance moves, my friend! Hugs to you, especially as I know you are suffering more than usual these days. Prayers are always on my lips for you as well.

  30. Lovely truth, we can choose the dirge or the dance... Thankful for a savior who dances with us, and redeems our despair!
